UIC FY00 - FY05 Selected Indicators
Research Federal Research Rank FY03 = 47th FY02 = 48th FY01 = 48th FY00 = 52nd FY99 = 58th
Hospital Financials and Patients FY99 FY04
Graduation and Retention
Royalty and License Revenues
New Philanthropic Commitments
Facilities South Campus Residence Hall Beds FY00 = 0 beds FY05 = 800 beds
Facilities Recreation Centers FY00 = 39,000 gsf (west) FY05 = 60,000 gsf (west) FY00 = 125,156 gsf (east) FY05 = 125,156 gsf (east) Student Recreation Facility (east) to open January 2006 (155,000 gsf). Sport and Fitness Center (west) opened March 2005.
MRI Addition to Outpatient Care Center Houses world’s most powerful magnet—the 9.4-tesla magnet Opened September ,750 gsf $10.4M project budget ($5M in research equipment)
Facilities Structural Biology Building 11,987 gsf $4.6M project budget Westside Research Office Building 155,174 gsf $33.7M project budget Advanced Chemical Technology Building 145,445 gsf $64M project budget
Facilities College of Medicine Research Building 334,806 gsf $143M project budget
Facilities South Campus Retail FY00 = 0 stores FY05 = 47 stores 146,376 sf (rentable)
Facilities Project Oasis FY00 = 0 oases FY05 = 18 oases
Remodeling and Renovation Cost for Major Remodeling/Renovation FY00 - FY05 = $176M The Rebecca Port Center opened in June 2004.
New Construction Cost for New Construction FY00 - FY04 = $257M James J. Stukel Towers includes a 750-bed residence hall, auditorium, office and retail space (to be completed in fall 2007).
New Academic Programs New Academic Programs FY00 - FY05 3/3 with Chicago-Kent College of Law Ph.D. in Veterinary Medicine (UIUC) and Master of Public Health (UIC) Pharm.D. and M.S. in Health Informatics Ph.D. in Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics (consolidation of Ph.D. in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and Ph.D. in Molecular Genetics) Ph.D. in Earth & Environmental Sciences Ph.D. in Educational Psychology Ph.D. in Germanic Studies Ed.D. in Urban Education Leadership M.S. and Ph.D. in Biopharmaceutical Sciences (reorganization of the M.S. and Ph.D. in Pharmacy) M.S. and Ph.D. in Computer Science (reorganization of the M.S. and Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science) M.S. and Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering (reorganization of the M.S. and Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science) M.S. and Ph.D. in Bioinformatics Master of Engineering Master of Healthcare Administration B.S. in Entrepreneurship BFA in Performance B.A. in LAS, major in Gender and Women's Studies B.S. in Neuroscience
Centers, Institutes and Certificates New Centers and Institutes Center for Lung and Vascular Biology Institute for Research on Race and Public Policy National Center for Data Mining New Certificates Specialist in Blood Bank Technology Electromagnetics Technology Engineering Law and Management Environmental Health Informatics Health Informatics Public Health Informatics Wireless Communication Technology