LCFI Physics Meeting: 23 rd May 2005: Dave Jackson Proposed strategy for a revised proposal With respect to original GANTT chart Tasks: C++ code With International Collaboration 1 2
General Strategy: Top Down Select a couple of physics channels that cover most reconstruction issues – then work on these issues will have immediate benefits to the analysis Higgs Self Coupling Solid b-tag channel; high efficiency needed over full range of jet energy and angles Includes use of vertex charge to reduce jet-jet combinatorics Also vertex/jet finding interplay may be an issue A FB in e+e- → bb and cc events b-tag and c-tag with vertex charge at the relatively high energy region GeV jets Clean test of vertex charge (dipole ?) for physics Issue of decays outside the vertex detector
General Comments The second example is a natural extension of current SGV studies Provide applications for our developing visualisation tools Developing reconstruction tools should be broad enough to be used for other physics channels (eg c-tagging at low energy for Stop analysis) and within the wider international community. The short term (2-3 years) aim will be to determine the sensitivity of these physics channels to the vertex detector design using SGV fast MC The longer term goal of applying the developed reconstruction/analysis tools on top of a full simulation (via LCIO, or future LCFI work) should be kept in mind