Function of nests: 1)Support for adult and eggs 2) Mate attraction – Weaver birds marsh wren 3) Female stimulation 4) Thermoregulation A) Insulation – ducks and down B) Microsite selection – cactus wren
5) Decrease predation- Major source of nest loss A) Nest predators
How to Avoid Predation? 1)Crypsis of eggs or parent 2)Location – Cliffs, islands Floating nests Cavities Thin Tree Limbs 3) Safety in Numbers - Coloniality 4)Deception yellow-rumped thornbill 5) “Hired Gun” tropical wrens
burrowers Rough-winged And Bank Swallows Nest variation type in swallows (O Passeriformes, F Hirundinidae)
Secondary cavity nesters Tree Swallow Violet-green Swallow
Mud nests Cup nest Barn Swallows
Retort mud nest - Cliff and Cave Swallows
Genetic analysis reveals evolutionary relationships reflected by nests
Apodiformes- swifts - convergent on swallows but related to hummers!
Cave dwelling swiflets of SE Asia birds that think they are bats Echolocating, insectivorous cave dwellers Apodiformes- Edible (White-nest) and Black-nest Swiftlets Double “echo click”
VerdinCommon Bushtit
Fig 16-6 and 16-7 Nest building is both Innate and refined through learning
African Weaver birds F Ploceidae
F Icteridae - Oropendolas Orioles