SAHARA Retreat, Santa Cruz© Kimmo RaatikainenJune 4, 2003 Wireless Internet Research at UHelsinki and HIIT Kimmo Raatikainen University of Helsinki, Department of Computer Science Helsinki Institute for Information Technology
SAHARA Retreat, Santa Cruz, June 14, 2003Kimmo Raatikainen2 Presentation Outline Organizations in nutshell –HIIT: Helsinki Institute for Information Technology –Nodes: Group for Distributed Systems and Data Communications at the Department of Computer Science in the University of Helsinki Wireless Internet Vision Nodes activities Fuego Core project –Middleware for Mobile Wireless Internet Final Message
SAHARA Retreat, Santa Cruz, June 14, 2003Kimmo Raatikainen3 HIIT in Nutshell Joint research institute owned by Helsinki University of Technology and University of Helsinki –California equivalence: joint venture of Stanford and UC Berkeley located next to Bell Stadium Two units: ARU and BRU About 100 researchers ARU: Advanced Research Unit –Mobile Computing Group (Prof. Kimmo Raatikainen) –Intelligent Systems (Prof. Henry Tirri) –Digital Economy (Prof. Jukka Kemppinen) –Media Convergence (Prof. Petri Vuorimaa)
SAHARA Retreat, Santa Cruz, June 14, 2003Kimmo Raatikainen4 University of Helsinki Department of Computer Science UNIVERSITY Founded in Turku in 1640, moved to Helsinki in 1828 Largest university in Finland Nine Faculties: –Theology, Law, Medicine, Arts, Science, Education, Social Sciences, Agriculture and Forestry, Veterinary Medicine DEPARTMENT Founded in 1967 Part of the Faculty of Science Staff (2002) –Professors13+2 –Researchers 81 –Teachers –Other staff15
SAHARA Retreat, Santa Cruz, June 14, 2003Kimmo Raatikainen5 Department of Computer Science SUB-PROGRAMMES 1)Computer Science 2)Applied Computer Science 3)Teacher in Computer Science 4)Professional upgrading programme SECTIONS IN CS 1)Algorithms 2)Intelligent Systems 3)Software Engineering 4)Distributed Systems and Data Communications 5)Information Systems
SAHARA Retreat, Santa Cruz, June 14, 2003Kimmo Raatikainen6 Presentation Outline Organizations in nutshell –HIIT: Helsinki Institute for Information Technology –Nodes: Group for Distributed Systems and Data Communications at the Department of Computer Science in the University of Helsinki Wireless Internet Vision Nodes activities Fuego Core project –Middleware for Mobile Wireless Internet Final Message
SAHARA Retreat, Santa Cruz, June 14, 2003Kimmo Raatikainen7 What Is Wireless Internet? Various visions proposed Mark Weiser spoke about invisible computing and ubiquitous computing Leonard Kleinrock speaks about nomadic computing Satyanarayanan speaks about pervasive comupting CEC speaks about ambient intelligence Wireless World Research Forum speaks about adaptable personalised ambient-aware services
SAHARA Retreat, Santa Cruz, June 14, 2003Kimmo Raatikainen8 What is Wireless Internet? Nobody really knows today but more than Internet access from mobile devices incresed intelligence in the network –but AI has failed many times most probably a combination (not a union) of all published visions
SAHARA Retreat, Santa Cruz, June 14, 2003Kimmo Raatikainen9 Future Mobile Applications communication characteristics –The most significant feature will be diversity –All kinds of applications will be in use –QoS requirements and communication patterns will be numerous –Some applications will also adjust their behaviour according to the properties of connectivity –Future mobile terminals will have a few applications simultaneously active. –Some terminals will also be able to use different access technologies either simultaneously or one at a time
SAHARA Retreat, Santa Cruz, June 14, 2003Kimmo Raatikainen10 Research Challenges 1.Adaptability 2.Efficient and ”always on” connectivity over wireless links 3.Distribution, partitioning, reconfiguration 4.Context-awareness 5.Mobile distributed information base
SAHARA Retreat, Santa Cruz, June 14, 2003Kimmo Raatikainen11 Internet protocol suite: SIP, SLP, IMPP, … SMTP, IMAP, HTTP, BEEP, CPIM, … TCP, UDP, DCCP, SCTP, RTP, … DiffServ, mRSVP, MIPv6, IPSec, IKE, AKA, … IPv6, DNS, DHCP, multicast, multihoming, … Standard Middleware CORBA,J2EE Technical Challenge Mobile Middleware wCORBA,J2ME Interworking XML
SAHARA Retreat, Santa Cruz, June 14, 2003Kimmo Raatikainen12 Presentation Outline Organizations in nutshell –HIIT: Helsinki Institute for Information Technology –Nodes: Group for Distributed Systems and Data Communications at the Department of Computer Science in the University of Helsinki Wireless Internet Vision Nodes activities Fuego Core project –Middleware for Mobile Wireless Internet Final Message
SAHARA Retreat, Santa Cruz, June 14, 2003Kimmo Raatikainen13 NODES Group Studies how systems can be divided into independently working parallel parts, and how these parts communi- cate with each other –Functionality in the basic components, –the protocols between the parts, –performance evaluation RESEARCH AREAS (The NODES Group): Wireless Internet Linux Development Wireless Internet, Distributed Software Systems, Formal Methods for Protocol Development, Linux Development Motto : Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced. Gregory Benford 3 professors 8 lectures c. 25 researcher in projects c. 15 M.Sc students c. 10 Ph.D. students c. 15 Ph.D. students in industry
SAHARA Retreat, Santa Cruz, June 14, 2003Kimmo Raatikainen14 Some NODES Research Topics Wireless Internet –Communication over wireless (all protocol layers) –Middleware for mobile computing Linux Developments –Timeliness and high availability in Linux –Open Source Middleware for Linux OS Standardization –IETF, OMG, W3C
SAHARA Retreat, Santa Cruz, June 14, 2003Kimmo Raatikainen15 NODES Cotributions to Wireless Internet Improved Wireless Communication –TCP enhancements: RFCs, Internet draft and Linux kernel –Localized RSVP for resource allocation in access network alone: Internet draft –IP QoS in access networks using DiffServ –Wireless CORBA: OMG standard –Wireless JAVA RMI: standardization under discussion –Efficient Agent communication: FIPA standard –TCP-friendly Adaptive Link Layer protocol for satellite links: under construction in an ESA project –SOAP over wireless links: under construction
SAHARA Retreat, Santa Cruz, June 14, 2003Kimmo Raatikainen16 Wireless Internet Project Family Mowgli: DOLMEN: Monads wCORBA IWTCP IIP Mobile 2001 IIP Wireless 2002 BRAIN MIND Fuego Core TranSat MONTAGE Crumpet VAAWIT PRIME ANWIRE: IIP Mixture
SAHARA Retreat, Santa Cruz, June 14, 2003Kimmo Raatikainen17 Presentation Outline Organizations in nutshell –HIIT: Helsinki Institute for Information Technology –Nodes: Group for Distributed Systems and Data Communications at the Department of Computer Science in the University of Helsinki Wireless Internet Vision Nodes activities Fuego Core project –Middleware for Mobile Wireless Internet Final Message
SAHARA Retreat, Santa Cruz, June 14, 2003Kimmo Raatikainen18 Project Objectives to specify the set of fundamental enabling middleware services for mobile applications on future mobile environments to implement two research prototypes and participate in relevant standardizing forums (W3C, IETF, OMG, OMA) Work areas: Adaptive Applications, Mobile Distributed Information Base, Reconfigurable Services, and Mobility, Multi-homing, and Cryptographic Host Identification Host Identity Protocol XML Protocol Distributed Events Synchronization Presence
SAHARA Retreat, Santa Cruz, June 14, 2003Kimmo Raatikainen19 Fuego Server (MTS) Message Transport Service (MTS) Client: Applications Server: Applications Presence service Event Service Apache Axis Mobile file system Other services Soap interop. layer MTP (XML Protocol) SERVICES Long lived TCP Socket / HTTP /.. Host Identity Protocol Architecture Overview
SAHARA Retreat, Santa Cruz, June 14, 2003Kimmo Raatikainen20 Event-based Systems: Rendezvous-Notify Scalable distributed event framework for mobile computing based on a distributed data structure Constant or near constant cost in terms of messages for event channel subscription and management using linear hashing Support for disconnected operation and mobility. Efficient event session handover between event servers Cost model for accessing event servers and using sessions. Simulation and formal verification is used to validate the proposed approach
SAHARA Retreat, Santa Cruz, June 14, 2003Kimmo Raatikainen21 Synchronization: a mobile distributed file system Disconnected operation Designed for limited bandwidth and high latency Simple HTTP PUT/GET-like synchronization protocol Special support for XML files –Optimized storage of XML –Three-way merge for data, automatic reconciliation Ad-hoc file sharing: any device may share files to any other device Implementation layers on top of existing file system in an non-disruptive manner Sync protocol
SAHARA Retreat, Santa Cruz, June 14, 2003Kimmo Raatikainen22 XML Protocol How can XML Protocol (SOAP) be used in wireless communication? Main problems with SOAP: XML verbose so bandwidth-heavy, HTTP and underlying TCP bad in high-latency networks Discard XML; compress messages suitably, either generically or XML-specifically (such as binary XML) Binary XML permits efficient parsing and generation Discard HTTP; replace with persistent connections and asynchronous one-way messaging? Negotiation of parameters only once; compact protocol headers XML Gzip BXML HTTP Pers Async Per-call time Message size
SAHARA Retreat, Santa Cruz, June 14, 2003Kimmo Raatikainen23 Electronic systems provide abundant and possibly sensitive information about users: location, activity, availability etc. Conflicting goals - privacy, usability and utility Presence information is a great advantage in collaboration tools – –Embedding presence information in applications like , messaging and telephony – –Using a presence component for single-point management, privacy control, and transparency in distribution Middleware services to replace separate presence/IM clients Multiple standardization efforts on middleware and application level: XMPP, SIMPLE, WV, PAM, IMPP, LIF Ubiquitous Presence
SAHARA Retreat, Santa Cruz, June 14, 2003Kimmo Raatikainen24 Host Identity Payload A research protocol to provide multihoming, mobility and security in one architecture A new Host Identity layer between internetworking and transport layers Based on a new cryptographic address space where the Host Identities of the hosts (public keys) can be stored in DNS Authentication of hosts is achieved with "Base Exchange" to avoid DoS Four interoperable implementations: HIIT, Ericsson, Boeing and IndraNet Similar to MobileIP, SCTP and LIN6
SAHARA Retreat, Santa Cruz© Kimmo RaatikainenJune 4, 2003 See also student Posters Sasu Tarkoma – mobile distributed events Tancred Lindholm – intelligent synchronization Jaakko Kangasharju – SOAP over wireless links Marko Saaresto – Ubiquitous presence
SAHARA Retreat, Santa Cruz© Kimmo RaatikainenJune 4, 2003 Final Message
SAHARA Retreat, Santa Cruz, June 14, 2003Kimmo Raatikainen27 Internet Reference Stack IP control and management: COPS, SNMP, RSVP, ICMP IP to link layer adaption IP middleware: SIP, SLP,... IP transport: TCP, UDP, DCCP, SCTP, RTP IP mechanisms: QoS, mobility, security IP networking: IP, DNS, DHCP, ZeroConf, multicast, multihoming IP messaging: SMTP, HTTP, BEEP,...
SAHARA Retreat, Santa Cruz, June 14, 2003Kimmo Raatikainen28 Personalization Ambient Awareness Adaptation Ubiquity Consistency Self-Actualisation Safety Belonging Control Privacy Human Capability Augmentation Values Capabilities Framework Architecture Internet Protocols Application Execution Framework UI Support Generic Service Elements App
SAHARA Retreat, Santa Cruz, June 14, 2003Kimmo Raatikainen29 LINUX was invented here LINUX was invented here We are commited to open source