1 July 19, 2005German Martinez – SX5 Meeting RBX Temperature Monitoring Proposal German Martinez
2 July 19, 2005German Martinez – SX5 Meeting ProposalProposal Install one sensor (AD592,Pt100/1000 or NTC) in each HE sector, monitored with 1 or 2 ELMB per HE-/+ and implement a temporary trip system for each powering sector (would turn off only three wedges with the current powering scheme Advantages: Quality temperature measurement, good hardware protection, easy software integration as there is JCOP framework dedicated to ELMBs. Disadvantages: even when relatively simple, some real work has to be done and it is at least in part a temporary solution.
3 July 19, 2005German Martinez – SX5 Meeting SensorsSensors 1.AD590 Ads: Rad tolerant, Used in RM Cons: Relatively Expensive (~15 €) 2.AD592 Ads: Similar, but Cheaper thatAD590Ads (~6€) Cons: Not Rad tolerant certified 3.4-wire Pt100 Ads: ELMB & PVSS ready, Rad Hard, recommended by DSS, Cons: Needs 4 wires, Relatively Expensive 4.10K NTC Ads: ELMB & PVSS ready, Rad Hard, Cheap (~1 €)
4 July 19, 2005German Martinez – SX5 Meeting ELMBELMB Got Already One, but problems to get the PCI readout card, but probably we can borrow it from BU. Final version ready, we can buy up to 75 boards that Fernando allocated for CMS. Cheap: 85 CHF each
5 July 19, 2005German Martinez – SX5 Meeting Interlock Hardware Start to draw Circuit Diagram, but we may just use the “IBox” recalled by Fernando Already integrated to ELMB & PVSS, Rad tolerant Created by Wupperthal Uni for ATLAS Pixels LV system Possible to get some collaboration (Know personally the people involved)
6 July 19, 2005German Martinez – SX5 Meeting Power Switch Necessary for temporary power supplies Add as en extra card Takes signals from comparator signals Possible control by PVSS through ELMB
7 July 19, 2005German Martinez – SX5 Meeting DSS Integration Should be an add on card that process signals from comparators Possible PVSS control via ELMB signals Need to discuss requirements with DSS people Need to discuss alarm conditions within the collaboration
8 July 19, 2005German Martinez – SX5 Meeting Now the important issues Sadovar and Coffee: Old coffee machine back in operation, but results not as expected (Cafeteria quality, but does not meet our standards of Excellence ) Logistics: Has somebody think of water supply and a sink?