Environment and Security Initiative (ENVSEC) Raul Daussa OSCE ENVSEC Consultations Chisinau 25-26 May 2006.


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Presentation transcript:

Environment and Security Initiative (ENVSEC) Raul Daussa OSCE ENVSEC Consultations Chisinau May 2006

Objective “To facilitate cooperation on environmental issues, for peace, stability and sustainable development”


Partners Ministry of Environment Ministry of Foreign Affairs Development Agencies Ministry of Defence Environmental Expertise Conflict prevention Political Support Field Presences Development Expertise Implementation Country Offices Security and Science Expertise

Institutions and implementation structure Advisory group Participating countries (Ministries of Environment and Foreign Affairs), Donor countries and organizations, Organisations working in the field of environment and security Management board UNEP, UNDP, OSCE, NATO, UNECE, REC Country implementation  National Focal Points (from MoEs and MFAs)  OSCE and UNDP country offices  Other relevant agencies and stakeholders ENVSEC Secretariat and focal points at ENVSEC partner organisations

Work Programme Development Stage 1: National Request Stage 2: Desk assessment Stage 3: National and Regional Consultations Stage 4: Assessment report and a work programme Stage 5: Launch and implementation

Methodology National Consultations Map Environmental problems that can trigger conflicts Map Environmental opportunities for cooperation Nominate National Focal Points to follow the methodology Ministry of Environment Ministry of Foreign Affairs Academia Ministry of Defence NGO Country X Facilitation Data Collection Cartographic support Int. Organizations

Where?When?How? Results of national Consultations

Methodology Regional Consultations Agree on problems identified Set Action Areas Agree on priorities (Hotspots) Endorse the Study/ work programme Facilitation Cartographic support Int. Organizations Ministry of Environment Ministry of Foreign Affairs Academia Ministry of Defence NGOs All countries’

Assessment reports and work programmes The Case of Central Asia and South Eastern Europe, 2003; The Case of the Southern Caucasus, 2004; The case of the Ferhana valley, Central Asia - Ferghana / Osh / Khujand area, 2005.

Achievements political support and interstate agreements on environment and security hotspots stakeholder dialogue and networks on environment and security hotspots, e.g. the focal point network of the Initiative endorsed subregional ENVSEC work programmes linkages in support of the agreed programs and projects to donors and the international community environmental problem solving assistance on the ground

Achievements A comprehensive pool of problem solving capacity and expertise Platforms and networks for peace building through inter-sectoral cooperation Increased awareness, access to information and more active public participation in environment and security matters

Challenges encountered Ownership by Countries Importance of communication and coordination on all levels Centralization of Administration Political constraints

OSCE Chairmanship Priorities: -Conflict/security mandate -Catalyzing investments -New Partners (UNECE, REC)

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