Bruno Berghmans European Metalworkers’ Federation Madrid, Spain – November 2011 EMF EU Policy Seminar for full-time union officers
EMF Areas of work
Introducing the EMF One of 12 European Trade Union Federations (ETUF) Founded 1971 (Benelux, D, F, I) 78 member organisations and 2 associated member organisations in 37 countries (EU, NO, CH, IS, TR, BA, HR, KS, ME, MK and RE) 30 languages Represents 5 million metalworkers Member of the ETUC Cooperation with the IMF Merging in May 2012 with EMCEF and ETUF:TCL
Members organisations Congress period Congress period Congress period organisations Congress period Congress period Congress period ATPRO-GE ELPOEM BASindikat Metalaca Bosne i Hercegovine ESMCA-UGT BAMMU (RS) ESFTM-ELA BEMWB-FGTB ESFI CC.OO BEABVV-Metaal ESUSO BEACV-CSS METEA FIMetalli BELBC/NVK FIAmmattiliitto Pro BESETCa FIUIL BECNE FITEK BEACLVB/CGSLB FIFinnish Electrical Union'workers BGNTUF Metal-Electro FRCFE - CGC BGNF Metallurgy CL Podkrepa FRFOM BGMetalicy FRFO Déf. Nat CHUNIA FRFGMM-CFDT CHSYNA FRFEAE-CFDT CYOVIEK-SEK FRFM/CFTC CZOS KOVO FRFTM/CGT DEIG Metall FRFNTE/CGT DKCO industri HRSMH-IS DKIDA HUVASAS EEEMAF (associate member) IESIPTU10.000
Members organisations Congress period Congress period Congress period organisations Congress period Congress period Congress period ISIIF PTSIMA ITFIOM-CGIL PTFIEQUIMETAL ITFIM-CISL REGSM/NEZAVISNOST ITUILM RE Autonomous Metalworkers' Fed. of Serbia KSSPMK REISS LTLMPSS (associate member) ROFSS Metarom LUOGB-L ROFNS Solidaritatea Metal LULCGB ROFSLI-Metal MEMetalworkers Montenegro MTUM SEIF Metall MKSIER SEUnionen MTGen, Workers'Union SESveriges ingenjörer NLFNV Bondgenoten SISKEI NLCNV Vakmensen SKOZ KOVO NLDe Unie TRBIRLESIK-IS NLVHP UKUnite NOFellesforbundet UKGMB NOHandel og Kontor UKCommunity NOTEKNA NONITO PLSolidarnosc Total PLOPZZ TU Metalworkers' Federation of Poland
Damage control or prevention
Features of Union Work at European Level : diversity Different trade union structures Differing Degrees of Organisation Different Industrial Relations Systems Different Collective Bargaining Systems Financial Resources and Size of Staff Different Languages
Unionisation of the workforce (%)
Main goals Serve affiliates where European interests are involved Cooperation between affiliates – Developing Common Positions and Common Policies at European level Interest Representation vis-à-vis European Institutions Counterweight vis-à-vis European employers’ organisations and multinational companies Represent the EMF at the ETUC Represent the European interests of affiliates at the international level
Staff General Secretary: Ulrich Eckelmann Deputy General Secretary: Bart Samyn Policy Advisers Staff in: -Accountancy -Human Resources -Translations -Administration Occasional Guest Secretaries and trainees
Main areas of work Industrial Policy Collective Bargaining Policy Company Policy Social Dialogue
EMF Structure Congress Executive Committee Steering Committee Secretariat Collective Bargaining Policy Committee Steel White Goods Automotive Aerospace Shipbuilding ICT Training and Education Equal Opportunities South Eastern European Forum & Baltic States Policy Committees Sector Committees Lifts Horizontal Committees Social Dialogue Company Policy Committee Industrial Policy Committee Mechanical Engineering Non-Ferrous Metals
Company Policy Company Policy focuses on all elements of workers’ interests in the multinational company: –Involvement of workers (information/consultation/participation/negotiat ion) –Transnational restructuring and reorganisation –Social issues and working conditions –Industrial and economic aspects The Company Policy will be presented by Chantal Caron
Collective Bargaining Policy
Collective Bargaining: Towards more Coordination Coordination of National Collective Bargaining Policies (Minimum Standards) Regional Network of Observers Information Exchange Network The Collective Bargaining Policy will be presented by Manfred Anderle
Industrial Policy
Social Dialogue
EMF Social Dialogue Activities –Shipbuilding (Social Dialogue Committee) –Steel (Social Dialogue Committe) –Dialogue with CEEMET (Social Dialogue Committe) –The NEPSI agreement.
Outlook More binding results, European social standards Implementation at national level
Thank you for your attention!
Contact : European Metalworkers’ Federation bd du roi Albert II, 5 bt10 BE Bruxelles