1 EuropeanaLocal the role of local and regional digital cultural content in the Europeana service EuropeanaLocal the role of local and regional digital cultural content in the Europeana service IACH workshop, ECDL Aarhus, 19 September 2008 Rob Davies, MDR Project Manager
2 A structure for Europeana? EuropeanaL National Digital Library ACE Film Archive X EurbicaNational Archive 1 MICHAEL TEL NL 1 NL 2 NL 3 Museum X Archive X National Archive 2 Film Archive 1 Film Archive 2 Film Archive 3 National Archive 3 Library X Museum A Archive A Library A
3 Thematic Network Establish trust between the institutions Create the organisational structure for a European Digital Library (Europeana) Tackle domain interoperability issues (standards) Propose a practical implementation of the European Digital Library Item or object level Make recommendations for future research Europeana.Net (2007-9) Europeana.Net (2007-9)
4 EuropeanaLocal ( ) Best Practice Network Best Practice Network Digital content sourced by regional/local libraries, museums, archives Digital content sourced by regional/local libraries, museums, archives Local content infrastructure for harvesting and indexing metadata Local content infrastructure for harvesting and indexing metadata OAI-PMH repositories OAI-PMH repositories Europe wide network of repositories/ aggregations Europe wide network of repositories/ aggregations map existing metadata to Europeana Metadata Application Profile map existing metadata to Europeana Metadata Application Profile local vocabularies ‘SKOSified’ local vocabularies ‘SKOSified’ Establish easy processes for making content/metadata available Establish easy processes for making content/metadata available to Europeana and other services (tourism, education, family history, research to Europeana and other services (tourism, education, family history, research
5 Basic facts Duration 36 months Duration 36 months Budget 4.3 million Euro (80% funded) Budget 4.3 million Euro (80% funded) Person-months in total Person-months in total 32 Partners 32 Partners 39 Deliverables 39 Deliverables
6 EuropeanaLocal: key objectives Improve interoperability of digital content held by regional and local museums, libraries and archives Improve interoperability of digital content held by regional and local museums, libraries and archives Improve availability for access and use Improve availability for access and use estimated 20 million items identified initially by EuropeanaLocal partners alone estimated 20 million items identified initially by EuropeanaLocal partners alone prove the value of local/regionally sourced content prove the value of local/regionally sourced content promote digitisation of local/regional content promote digitisation of local/regional content Help develop Europe wide network of regional repositories/ aggregations Help develop Europe wide network of regional repositories/ aggregations (e.g. with national or regional digital libraries or cultural portals) (e.g. with national or regional digital libraries or cultural portals) Integrated Europeana prototype service including EuropeanaLocal content Integrated Europeana prototype service including EuropeanaLocal content
7 Important local content types Items and collections of high cultural value (‘treasures’) held at local or regional level Items and collections of high cultural value (‘treasures’) held at local or regional level Specific local collections held by libraries, museums and archives, local audio-visual archives Specific local collections held by libraries, museums and archives, local audio-visual archives Images high in the mix Images high in the mix Public domain ‘cultural’ records held by archives etc. Public domain ‘cultural’ records held by archives etc.
8 EuropeanaLocal partners: types of organisation EDLFoundation EDLFoundation 1 Ministry of Culture 1 Ministry of Culture 2 national libraries (as aggregators of local content) 2 national libraries (as aggregators of local content) 2 national museums 2 national museums 3 national cultural agencies 3 national cultural agencies 5 regional cultural authorities 5 regional cultural authorities 7 public libraries 7 public libraries 1 local museum 1 local museum 1 research foundation 1 research foundation 1 regional digital library provider 1 regional digital library provider 7 private sector organisations 7 private sector organisations
9 Contributing content – not straightforward Content collections items and resources Content providers, mediators and aggregators Machine-to-machine technologies End-user service technologies EDLocal content provider organisation Content XML/HTTP Resources Collections Metadata harvesting Legacy databases Standards Items IPR Metadata OCR Mining Commission EDLocal Michael EDL Foundation Committee of Regions National Cps Ministries of Culture Local Cps Regional Cps National initiatives Thematic networks MinervaTEL Tagging Folksonomies Ontologies OWL RDF OAI-PMH SemanticWeb Meta noise Taxonomies Collabularies Search engines Geography Deep content Web Services Web 2.0 Future services Syndication/RSS/Atom XML/HTTP WIKIs Participation Blogs Open Source Multi-lingual services Business models AJAX IPR EDLnet Application profiles Authentication Controlled vocabularies Payment i2010 Google TELplus TEL-ME-MOR Europeana Fedora DSpace Greenstone SKOS
10 Content migration process steps Content & Content Collections Metadata extraction Local classification shemas Metadata harmonization & cross mapping Controlled vocabularies Multi-linguality Metadata enrichment IPR clearance Assign Unique IDs Populate repository Authentication mechanisms Europeana
11 Variable starting points Advanced practice in implementing digital libraries, portals, OAI-PMH etc Advanced practice in implementing digital libraries, portals, OAI-PMH etc France, Norway, Poland, Spain, UK France, Norway, Poland, Spain, UK Limited progress Limited progress Bulgaria, Greece, Romania etc Bulgaria, Greece, Romania etc Gamut from somewhat centralised to very regional/local Gamut from somewhat centralised to very regional/local Phased approach Phased approach
12 Europeana content holders Content level (infinite) Local level (1000s) National level (10s) European level (1) European Digital Library Virtual Information Space National Archives National Libraries Aggregated repositories Archives Items & Collections Libraries Items & Collections Museums Items & Collections
13 How to persuade local institutions to contribute? Pragmatic approcah Must take into account existing infrastructure and systems Wider picture Improved discoverability and accessibility to content Regional services Need to establish basis for services on regional level Granularity Must be able to link content to common ontology European services Need a ”killer” application on trans national level Legacy systems A multitude of database and storage technologies exist without any apparent standardisation Local repository Local services are built on existing systems and the local repository doesn’t immediately add value to existing system Regional repository Regional repositories might form the basis for services useful to local institutions but do not currently exist EDL repository Once information arrives in EDL repository metadata granularity will have increased because of harmonization EDL applications EDL applications are currently focussed on 3rd party end-users and does not immediately add value to local institutions
14 Main stages 1.Kick off meeting, London 26/7 June 2.Analyse content available, metadata and infrastructures in use themes? themes? 3.Europeana sets up parallel ‘test’ environment index harvested EuropeanaLocal content index harvested EuropeanaLocal content implement Europeana interface developments on content implement Europeana interface developments on content 4.Guidance on installing repositories support for implementation where necessary support for implementation where necessary Fedora, DSpace, Greenstone, LMS etc Fedora, DSpace, Greenstone, LMS etc 5.Import from existing databases to OAI-PMH repositories automate metadata conversion automate metadata conversion 6.Transform vocabularies to improve semantics
15 Main stages (2) 7.Regional training workshops and technical help/support 8.Local implementation planning 9.Move towards sensible levels of aggregation low entrance barrier for new content suppliers to join low entrance barrier for new content suppliers to join 10.Promote low-cost digitisation (e.g. Minerva guidelines) (e.g. Minerva guidelines) 11.Policy/dissemination work National Meetings National Meetings website website 12.Evaluation and progress monitoring user perspective, national user groups, impact study user perspective, national user groups, impact study
16 Role of technical partners Involvement with Europeana.net/Europeana v1.0 working groups Involvement with Europeana.net/Europeana v1.0 working groups Establish effective support to local regional partners Establish effective support to local regional partners Europe coverage split in two Europe coverage split in two training workshops training workshops translate guidelines translate guidelines individual partner implementation plans individual partner implementation plans help desk and ‘flying doctor’ help desk and ‘flying doctor’ Establish a working tools ‘scenario’ Establish a working tools ‘scenario’ automated metadata conversion tools etc? automated metadata conversion tools etc? road testing and problem identification for Europeana tools road testing and problem identification for Europeana tools
17 Open Archive Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting Item metadata URL Collection metadata Object Reuse and Exchange Object data OAI-PMH Repository & Toolkit Metadata storage Object data model for storage of metadata according to a joint EDLocal application profile Data migration toolkit Tools to facilitate migration of metadata from existing object data model to repository including harmonization Web Service GetRecord, Identify, ListIdentifiers, ListMetaDataFormats, ListRecords, ListSets
18 Europeana Semantic Elements (ESE) Prototype launched to EC, Council of Ministers, 19/20 Nov Prototype launched to EC, Council of Ministers, 19/20 Nov Metadata defined to match specific functionality of prototype Metadata defined to match specific functionality of prototype No Europeana application profile proposed yet No Europeana application profile proposed yet data used with existing schemas data used with existing schemas TEL application profile, DC (simple, qualified), MODS,METS. EAD, proprietary TEL application profile, DC (simple, qualified), MODS,METS. EAD, proprietary mapping and conversion done in-house at Europeana mapping and conversion done in-house at Europeana Longer term scalabiity Longer term scalabiity will require decentralisation will require decentralisation automation of metadata conversion either at aggregator or central level automation of metadata conversion either at aggregator or central level ’User tag’: public tags created by registered users ’User tag’: public tags created by registered users
19 Metadata enrichment Object data Persons and roles metadata Topical metadata Geography and coverage metadata Temporal metadata Mainly manually entered but also process text to look for person names Similar technology as is applied by search engines, extracting keywords and assigning relevance according to frequency Coverage is specifiEuropeana in any number of ways such as geographical names, administrative entities and coordinates. Need geo-metadata Difficult to get disambiguous temporal metadata but possible
20 Future steps Europeana VI delivers first release early 2010 Institutions/aggregators use ESE till then Need to deal with ‘place’ and geographic metadata Locally-implemented processes for metadata enrichment? Monitor impact of complementary infrastructural standards Object modelling - OAI/ORE RSS/|ATOM Semantic web Social networks Collections Rights expression (C20 black hole) Identifiers Interest in object models (ORE) for Europeana V1 Data may need to be reindexed by Europeana
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