Creativity Mgt 4310
Do you agree? Tasks that are intrinsically motivating enhance creativity Extrinsic motivation diminishes creativity
To be creative people need Creativity relevant skills to see the things in a unique way, to produce unusual responses Domain relevant skills to be able to do the task well Task motivation the persistence to keep at the task
Issues Is the extrinsic reward interpreted as controlling? Does it diminish feelings of competence and free will? Engagement contingent rewards and Completion-contingent rewards and Performance contingent rewards Performance contingent rewards can be viewed as less controlling
Issues If the interpersonal style of administering performance-contingent rewards is relatively pressuring, the rewards tend to be experienced as more controlling, thereby leading to more diminishment of intrinsic motivation When the interpersonal style is relatively noncontrolling, the rewards tend to be experienced as more informational, thereby leading to less diminishment or possible enhancement of intrinsic motivation.
Conclusions Rewards made contingent upon doing, completing, or excelling at an interesting activity undermine intrinsic motivation for that activity Positive feedback showed enhancement, and only unexpected and task-noncontingent rewards showed no effects Positive feedback enhanced both free-choice behavior and self-reported interest Age had an effect Tangible rewards tended to be more detrimental for children than college students, and verbal rewards tended to be less enhancing for children than college students.
Do Organizations want Creativity? What if we: Didn’t search for the skills the organization needs but looked for people on the periphery? Didn’t socialize new members but encouraged disobedience and active opposition? Didn’t strive for efficiency but opted for many competing designs at one time?
Integrating ideas – create possible final exam questions Examine the separate ideas, theories, constructs within weeks and across weeks. Develop questions that integrate different ideas and that will bring these different ideas together. One idea might inform another One idea might be linked to the other