N orwegian S hipowners’ A ssociation/ T he R esearch C ouncil of N orway T he M ar M il P rogram MAR ITIM MIL JØSATSING Programme Overview - March 2001 Morten Østby Programrådgiver
N orwegian S hipowners’ A ssociation/ T he R esearch C ouncil of N orway T he M ar M il P rogram R&D Areas: MARITIME - A Cluster Oriented R&D Programme The Research Council of Norway Time Limited thematic programmes 1. Waterborne Transport & Logistics 2. Ship Operation 3. Ship Building & Building Technology 4. Ship Systems & Equipment Short Sea Shipping Waterborne Transport - SeaTraLog MARITIME IT Operation MARINOR MARITIME IT Yards GREENSHIP Ship Operation & ICT Maritime Environmental Research- MARMIL
N orwegian S hipowners’ A ssociation/ T he R esearch C ouncil of N orway T he M ar M il P rogram Stimulate to Environmental Friendly Design and Operation of Ships and Offshore Vessels Make Environmental Investments Profitable for the Owner Make Environmental Operation to a Competitive Advantage Main Goal: MARITIME ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH
N orwegian S hipowners’ A ssociation/ T he R esearch C ouncil of N orway T he M ar M il P rogram Steering Committee Terje C. Gløersen, Norw. Ship Owners Ass. (chairman) Rolf Kjær, Color Line ASA Per Magne Einang, Marintek Sveinung Oftedal, Norw. Maritime Directorate Ola Dønnem, Grieg International Per Inge Flakke, Smedvig ASA Kjell Einar Olsen, Det Norske VeritasKnut M. Skaar, Seatrans ANS Terje E. Gautesen, Bergesen dy ASA Paul F. Sørensen, (representing RCN) Program Manager: Morten Østby, DNV MARITIME ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH
N orwegian S hipowners’ A ssociation/ T he R esearch C ouncil of N orway T he M ar M il P rogram MARITIME ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH Three Part Programs Improved Knowledge on Environmental Impacts from Ships PP 1 Environmental Management and Training PP 2 Technology for Reduction of Environmental Impact from Ships PP 3
N orwegian S hipowners’ A ssociation/ T he R esearch C ouncil of N orway T he M ar M il P rogram Part Program 1 - Improved Knowledge on Environmental Impacts from Ships Ballast Water Management and Decision Support - DNV (98, 99, 00, 01) PP 1.3 Increased Knowledge of Crude Oil during Sea Transportation CRUCOGSA - HiV (-97, 98, 99) PP 1.4 Total Environmental Emission from Ship Transportation in Norway -Preproject - Marintek(00) PP 1.6 Environmental Assessment of Ship Transpor- tation in a Life Cycle Perspective NTNU (-98,99,00, 01) PP 4.1 Improved International Statistical Data on Pollution from Ship Operation - DNV (98, 99, 00, 01) PP 1.1 EU Concerted Action - Ballast Water Sampling - UNIFOB (98, 99) PP 1.2
N orwegian S hipowners’ A ssociation/ T he R esearch C ouncil of N orway T he M ar M il P rogram Part Program 1 - Improved Knowledge on Environmental Impacts from Ships Ship Scrapping MD/DNV (98, 99, 00, 01) PP 4.5 Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Ships MARINTEK (-99, 00) PP 4.6 Environmental Effect of Ship Transportation DNV/UiO (00, 01) PP 4.7
N orwegian S hipowners’ A ssociation/ T he R esearch C ouncil of N orway T he M ar M il P rogram Part Program 2 - Environmental Management and Training Ship Environmental Accounting System DNV (-97 and 98) PP 2.1 Guidelines on Environmental Management based on the ISM Code - NSA (-97) PP 2.2 Guidelines on Environmental Reporting for use by Shipping and Offshore Companies - NSA (-97) PP 2.3 Establishment of a Database for Onboard Chemicals - NSA (-97) PP 2.4 Training Programs on Environmental Issues for Maritime Personnel - ( -99, -00 and -01) PP 3.2
N orwegian S hipowners’ A ssociation/ T he R esearch C ouncil of N orway T he M ar M il P rogram Part Program 3 - Technology for Reduction of Environmental Impact from Ships Methods for Determination of Emissions from Ships - MARINTEK (-98) PP 5.1 Alternative Fuel for Propulsion and Power Generation- MARINTEK (98, 99, 00, 01) PP 5.2 Reduction of VOC-Emissions during Offshore Loading - MARINTEK (-97, ) PP 5.3 Sewage Treatment Jets Vacuum (-98, -99, -00) PP 5.6 Green Efforts on Existing Ships MARINTEK (-98, 99, 00, 01) PP 4.4 Ozone Treatment of Ballast Water Barber Ship Mangement ( -99, -00) PP 5.7 Internal Engine Combustion - Pre-Project Rolls-Royce Marine ( -00, -01) PP 5.8
N orwegian S hipowners’ A ssociation/ T he R esearch C ouncil of N orway T he M ar M il P rogram PP3 - Technology for Reduction of Environmental Impact from Ships Efficiency Ship Machinery Arrangement (ESMA ) - Kværner (-98, -99) PP 6.2 Pilot Ship - New Coastal Ferry - Troms Fylkes Dampskipsselskap ( -99, -00) PP 6.3 The Effect of Air-supersaturated Water on Marine Organsimes in Ballast Water Forinnova ( -00, -01) PP 5.9
N orwegian S hipowners’ A ssociation/ T he R esearch C ouncil of N orway T he M ar M il P rogram
N orwegian S hipowners’ A ssociation/ T he R esearch C ouncil of N orway T he M ar M il P rogram
N orwegian S hipowners’ A ssociation/ T he R esearch C ouncil of N orway T he M ar M il P rogram