THE INTEGRATED FRAMEWORK (IF) PROGRAM Trade related partnership for LDCs launched in 1997 by six core Agencies (IMF, UNCTAD, UNDP, WB & WTO. Assist LDCs in enhancing their capacity to address trade related constraints & facilitate integration into multilateral trading system
OBJECTIVES i)Mainstream trade into national development plans/processes such as PRSP. i)Assist in the coordination of delivery of trade related technical assistance
TRANSITION TO EIF WB/IMF review of IF EIF Task Force established to enhance IF Recommendations approved by IFSC & reaffirmed at HK WTO Ministerial 2005 Transitional teams set up to operationalise recommendations EIF Interim Board established in 2007 EIF launched admin 10/08 & 07/09 operationl
EIF GUIDING PRINCIPLES Effective use of trade as a development tool by LDCs LDC ownership of in country program and projects Partnership approach in accordance with principles of Paris Declaration of Aid Effectiveness
SPECIFIC EIF ENHANCEMENT Governance structures, national & multilateral Accountability aspects including M&E Funding – additional & predictable, targeted US$250million Extension of period of accession of funding for projects to 5 years
EIF IN PRACTICE Preparatory phase: official request submitted by LDC, TR, approval by EIF Board & establishment of NSC Awareness raising on trade as a development tool: Pre DTIS activities Diagnostic Phase: Identification of constraints translated to DTIS AM follow up activities Validation: National stakeholder validation of DTIS AM Implementation Phase: Implementation of DTIS AM supported by devt partners with aim of progressive mainstreaming
ACCESSIBILITY TO EIF FUNDING All current 47 EIF beneficiaries can access funding New entrants: pre DTIS & DTIS funding All EIF beneficiaries with validated DTIS AM can access Tier 1 and/or 2 as well as DTIS update funding every 2 yrs. Tier 1 – institutional capacity buidling & Tier 2 for projects
EIF GLOBAL STRUCTURES EIF Steering Committee: Reviews overall effectiveness of EIF operations and ensures transparency of the process. Established 30/04/10 Chairmanship of HE Himanen of Finland EIF Board: Key decision making body for strategic, operational & financial oversight. Membership- 3 reps each from LDCs & Donors & 1 each from 6 core Agencies. UNIDO observer. Chairmanship rotates currently held by LDCs. Full Board established 30/04/10 chairmanship of HE Maruping of Lesotho IF Executive Secretariat: Coordinates & manages EIF implementation at all levels. EIF TFM:UN Office for Project Services (UNOPS) manages EIF TF. Offices in Geneva, Bangkok, Dakar and Nairobi
EIF IN COUNTRY STRUCTURES National Steering Committee: high-level broad based Committee that provides overall policy guidance and monitors implementation at country level; Focal Point: The FP is appointed by the LDC Government to be the contact point for the program and lead the Implementation of the program at country level. National Implementation Unit: The NIU (small team of experts that manages the day to day EIF activities in country led by the FP. Donor Facilitator: DF assists government in donor coordination for TRTA; cooperates closely with other EIF structures to implement the EIF.
STATUS OF IMPLEMENTATION Fully operational-EIFSC & EIF Board established on 30/04/10 15 Tier 1 projects approved to date, 18 under devt 4 pre DTIS projects approved with 1 awaiting consultations with country 3 DTIS approved EIF CB underway- 4 regional wkshps target for 2010
STATUS OF IMPLEMENTATION CONTINUED M&E capacity building in progress for countries with Tier 1 approvals. Other M&E activities ongoing with Board Project design & development module under construction EIF compendium of guidelines under revision Consideration of treatment of graduating EIF LDCs at board of 7/06/10
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