g Neilson Company: Cellphones and Global Youth: Mobile Internet and Messaging TrendsCellphones and Global Youth: Mobile Internet and Messaging Trends On average, American teens send or receive 3,339 text messages per month.
We are currently preparing students for jobs that don’t yet exist... Using technologies that haven’t been invented... To solve problems we don’t even know are problems yet... g David Warlick, Connect
Realities in our changing world The 25% of the population in China with the highest IQ’s is greater than the total population of North America. The U.S. Department of Labor estimates that today’s learner will have jobs … by the age of 38. At American colleges and universities, only 5% of undergraduates are pursuing degrees in science or engineering, compared with 42% of university students in China. India routinely graduates four times as many college students with engineering skills as the United States. Microsoft, Mary Cullinane, 2010
21 st Century Content Global awareness Financial, economic, business and entrepreneurial literacy Civic literacy Health and wellness awareness 21 st Century Learning and Thinking Skills Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Skills Communication Skills Creativity and Innovation Skills Collaboration Skills Information and Media Literacy Skills Contextual Learning Skills 21 st Century Learning and Thinking Skills within 21 st Century Context The Partnership for 21 st Century Learning
Sell to the world; buy from the world Work for international companies Manage employees from other cultures and countries Collaborate with people all over the world in joint ventures Compete with people on the other side of the world for jobs and markets Master frequent new hardware, software and information technologies Bring creativity and problem-solving skills to a variety of jobs and work environments Microsoft, Mary Cullinane, 2010
ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education) National Education Technology Standards: ◦ NETS for Students NETS for Students ◦ NETS for Teachers NETS for Teachers ◦ NETS for Administrators NETS for Administrators Proposed Idaho ICT Standards Proposed Idaho ICT Standards * Information and Communication Technology
Wordle (lesson plan from ReadWriteWeb) Wordlelesson plan One in 8 million One in 8 million Google Squared Google Squared Photosynth (World Wide Telescope) Photosynth The Places We Live The Places We Live Virtual Field Trips (Smithsonian Paleobiology site) Virtual Field TripsPaleobiology Info graphics (Data Visualization) Info graphics Data Visualization Animoto Animoto
100 Helpful Web Tools for Every Kind of Learner 100 Helpful Web Tools for Every Kind of Learner Use classroom friendly utilities like View PureView Pure One excellent JSD2 teacher site: ◦ Kate Stucker Common Craft Videos – concise explanations of technology applications Common Craft Videos
Model efficient navigation and use of the Internet and electronic resources Use web-based organizational tools (such as MS OneNote) Use digital devices: ebook reader, smart phone, USB drive Model use of “Help” menus
Martin Luther King website Martin Luther King website Model and teach evaluating website credibility ◦ Sample instructional video Sample instructional video Model acknowledging and citing sources for all media types
Acknowledge that you will not know everything, but know how to find out! Make the time and take the time to expand what you know (classes, blogs, PLCs)
Dr. Clark is actively promoting teaching with 21 st Century skills in the district to help “Prepare Today’s Students for Tomorrow’s Challenges.”
District Classes: ◦ Using Basic Computer Applications ◦ Navigating the Web 2.0 ◦ Web-Based Resources for Research ◦ Integrating Technology into the Classroom ◦ Technology Applications in the Classroom Mini Sessions District websites ◦ Teaching 21 st Century Skills Teaching 21 st Century Skills ◦ Science resources (Joe Kelly) Science resources ◦ Library wiki Library wiki
Videos ◦ I teach, therefore you learn (4:07 minutes) I teach, therefore you learn ◦ Changing Educational Paradigms (11:40 minutes) Changing Educational Paradigms ◦ Changing to Learn (5:37 minutes) Changing to Learn Websites ◦ The Partnership for 21 st Century Learning The Partnership for 21 st Century Learning Blogs about applying ICT in the classroom ◦ Virtual Summer Camp for Teachers Virtual Summer Camp for Teachers ◦ Pursuit of Technology Integration Happiness Pursuit of Technology Integration Happiness ◦ Teacher Training Videos Teacher Training Videos