E nvironmental R esponse M anagement A pplication Training Session Michele Jacobi & Jill Bodnar Dec. 2009.


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Presentation transcript:

E nvironmental R esponse M anagement A pplication Training Session Michele Jacobi & Jill Bodnar Dec. 2009

Class Outline Overview/ background on ERMA Review data found in ERMA Show a few examples of ERMA capabilities Try an example scenario Discuss next steps in development and user needs

ERMA Background ERMA was developed as a joint project from the Coastal Response Research Center and NOAA’s Office of Response and Restoration Caribbean ERMA was funded through EPA region 2

Continuum of “Response” for the OR&R Emergency Response Division (ERD) Response (24 hours) Restoration - Recovery (Years to Decades) Assessment and Restoration Division (ARD)

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words… Diverse datasets can be interlaced on a single map to better visualize a the complex nature of an area

Concept for ERMA Open Source, Web-based mapping tools Planning & Analysis Integrate & Analyze Information Improved Communication & Coordination

ERMA Functional Requirements Easily accessible Field, Command Post, External Offices Quick to display Complementary to Digital ACP project, and other systems; integrates ‘one-plan’ concept User friendly interface For the non-GIS experts Secure, multi-tailored password protection Public interface Responder interface Super-user interface

ERMA Capabilities Various data types Static – Existing agency data lives on ERMA Real-time – Streams into ERMA from external servers (WMS, WFS) Data upload & download Easy to share most up-to-date data via single interface Tools On the fly map labeling On the fly regions of interests On the fly layers management

ERMA Schematic View 9

ERMA Architecture 10 Output to User Download/Upload Source Sensitive datasets Incident data ACPs SCAT Results Trajectories Etc…. Public datasets ESI Landuse Bathymetry Regional Monitoring Habitat Classifications MapServer Open Layers Secure Server Authentication Encryption (128kb) Other GIS Data AIS NowCoast ENCs Real Time Obs Web Mapping Service (Feature) Feature Server PostGres/ PostGIS Data Base Data Layer Management Access Privileges

ERMA Caribbean Area of Interest

Caribbean Collaboration Partners For ERMA NOAA NOS- OCS, NCCOS, CSC, ORR NWS NESDIS NMFS U.S. EPA Region 2 USCG- District 7, Sector San Juan U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service National Parks Service FL Fish and Wildlife Research Institute Puerto Rico Department Natural Resources Environmental Quality Board Department of Planning Virgin Islands Department Natural Resources University Virgin Islands British Virgin Island National GIS Coordinator Port Authority Isla Grande National Response Corporation Coral Bay Community Council The Nature Conservancy

ArcMap Projects were Assembled

14 Easy Internet Access to Data

Site Basics Secure access Username/Password Various levels of access (Public, Responder, NRDA) Background Layers Aerial, terrain, roads Nautical charts Incident information Trajectories Field teams SCAT data Real-time feed Weather, buoys, ship tracking, etc. Resources at Risk NOAA ESI data layers Local habitat and species datasets Document & photo links ESI and GRPs PDFs Field Photos External links

Data Management and UserTools Data Layer Management Access privileges Legend creation Metadata Timeseries Upload/Download capacity Shapefiles PDFs Photos (Photologger) Area of Interest On-the-fly points, lines, and polygons Map Labels Measurement Tools Length Area Zoom To Lat/Long Place name Bookmark Saves layers and location Print Timestamp Various page sizes

Practical Implementation of ERMA Assist with spill preparedness Display jurisdictional boundaries, specially regulated areas, areas of socio-economic importance Access points for cleanup Staging areas and command centers Regional documentation, points of contact, etc.

Practical Implementation of ERMA Assist in coordinating response efforts Visualize magnitude and extent Triage sites for action Track progress of clean-up Access real-time data Upload data from the field and access forms Increase communication

Practical Implementation of ERMA Define the extent of potential impacts General habitat and land use information Areas of biological significance - haul outs, rookeries, nesting grounds, essential or critical habitat Species-specific data - biological resources in the region - threatened or endangered? Where is there current monitoring data

Practical Implementation of ERMA Assist in Recovery and Restoration Access existing environmental monitoring sites Assist with sampling design Inventory restoration projects Locate long-term monitoring sites Coordinate with regional projects


Digitized GRPs with data links

23 Digitized GRPs with data links

Example Data: Environmental Sensitivity Index Layers 24

Example Data: Environmental Sensitivity Index Layers 25

NOAA Trajectory: 48 Hours Trajectories can be updated over time and displayed with additional datasets like ESI

27 Example Data: Environmental Quality- 303d listed streams

28 Example Data: EPA Regulated Facilities


Real-time vessel traffic from AIS

Bioresources overlaid with charts 31

32 Weather and Observation Buoys

Example Data: Forecasted Weather 33

Photographs and Layer Updates posted 34

Response data Updated & posted 35

Spatial Data Layers GRPs- (historic versions digitized and currently being updated) Environmental Sensitivity Index (PR and VI) Marine Protected Areas Socio-economic features Habitat Classifications Regional specific data (ESA coral, contaminant monitoring, ???) Imagery Navigation Charts (Raster/ Electronic) Weather Observations and Buoy Data

Next Steps for ERMA? Caribbean ERMA Enhance tools and print functions Stand alone version for static data Acquire more datasets???? SONS exercise support in New England Puget Sound ERMA

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