DSE forum meeting Welcome and introductions Organising Group Chris Butcher (SDDU) Suzanne Hallam (School of Sociology and Social Policy) Simon Lightfoot (POLIS) Margit Messmer (Mathematics) Deborah Murdoch Eaton (School of Medicine) Alistair Norman (LUBS) Dayananda Palihawadana (LUBS)
DSE forum meetings Theme for this year: Preparing for 2012: managing student expectations NSS: sharing what has worked & what has not We have 4 years worth of data now, trends are emerging
4 years – what does it tell us? – medical schools
% agree ('mostly agree' or 'definitely agree') Teaching on my course Assessment and feedback Academic support Organisation and Management Learning resources Personal developmentOverall UoL School / UL organisational unit Classics English History Modern Languages & Cultures Philosophy Theology & Religious Studies Undergraduate School of Biological Sciences Education Law Politics & International Studies Sociology & Social Policy Civil Engineering Computing Electronic & Electrical Engineeringn/r Mechanical Engineering Process, Environmental & Materials Engineering Earth & Environment Geography Leeds University Business School Chemistry Food Science and Nutrition Mathematics Physics & Astronomy Molecular Nanoscience Dental Institute Healthcare Medicine Psychological Sciences Communications Studies Design Fine Art, History of Art & Cultural Studies Music Performance & Cultural Industries Joint Honours Arts & Social Sciences Joint Honours Modern Languages Joint Honours Science Lifelong Learning Centre NSS 2011
Year 1Year 2+ (excl. finalists) Question category Teachin g on the program me Assessm ent and feedback Academi c support Learning resource s Personal developm entOverall Teachin g on the program me Assessm ent and feedback Academi c support Organisati on and managem ent Learning resource s Personal developm entOverall Respons e rate University of Leeds84%62%71%79%67%87%82%55%65%72%76%64%81% 59% School / UL organisational unit Classics91%56%71%73%59%95%86%62%71%77%76%60%82%62% English91%58%64%74%64%91%93%57%60%80%70%47%87%60% History90%76%75%74%71%93% 72%70%81%69%63%92%53% Modern Languages & Cultures90%66%69%83%65%89%85%63%68%78%80%61%84%48% Philosophy87%59%63%68%71%92%93%61%65%79%71%62%88%60% Theology & Religious Studies72%61%75%67%61%74%83%65%66%81%61%55%80%50% Undergraduate School of Biological Sciences84%64%71%80%65%90%81%49%64%69%79%61%79%61% Education83%75%62%74%60%83%92%72%79%90%81%61%94%67% Law87%61%77%79%67%94%87%61%75%79%76%71%92%55% Politics & International Studies90%48%67%72%63%84%85%50%59%81%63%56%82%49% Sociology & Social Policy85%69%63%68%66%85%87%59%62%80%62%51%87%59% Civil Engineering78%47%67%80%67%88%74%40%60%67%71%63%77%58% Computing84%85%77%93%79%94%80%70%74%71%86%64%81%65% Electronic & Electrical Engineering85%72%70%88%57%89%77%57%68%71%77%67%78%64% Mechanical Engineering87%61%67%90%70%93%77%58%62%73%72%70%77%65% Process, Environmental & Materials Engineering55%43%68%75%65%59% 39%60%67%77%56%60%54% Earth & Environment84%62%72%80%63%90%83%51%73%67%73%64%84%62% Geography82%54%76%82%78%90%80%48%68%81%79%60%82%63% Leeds University Business School80%65%73%75%83%86%80%59%68%78%76%71%83%68% Chemistry77%68%74%84%56%88%82%65%68% 86%67%83%64% Food Science and Nutrition74%50%72%71%48%79% 49%74%63%84%67%77%55% Mathematics68%61%69%76%48%85%76%53%58%77%70%46%81%61% Physics & Astronomy85%55%69%74%50%86%88%51%66%73%82%65%85%64% Molecular Nanoscience77%60%68%87%55%80%67%30%58%32%82%47%42%65% Dental Institute89%68%86%93%84%96%87%41%71%49%85%84%82%65% Healthcare84%52%73%79%64%85%78%61%68%54%77%76%72%63% Medicine91%54%83%89%81%95%90%55%69%70%86%83%88%61% Psychological Sciences80%65%69%81%66%88%79%49%55%82%67%47%72%62% Communications Studies85%64%70%82%68%81%73%59%66%63%81%57%70%56% Design84%51%71%77%68%83%68%46%51%68%73%58%57%69% Fine Art, History of Art & Cultural Studies84%59%60%74%56%80%85%59%65%80% 60%83%55% Music95%71%84%87%85%90%85%54%77%76%82%65%89%77% Performance & Cultural Industries87%76%67%76%67%85% 59%64%82%79%70%91%46% Foundation Year78% 68%75%76%83% 29% Interdisciplinary Science63%40%61%70%56%63% 16% Joint Honours Arts & Social Sciences83%54%60%75%60%81%87%56%60%76%73%50%84%59% Joint Honours Modern Languages89%61%70%81%59%90%86%59%63%73%77%55%84%57% Joint Honours Science80%65%68%81%56%89%76%43%52%57%73%45%68%59% Lifelong Learning Centre98%88%89%78%85%99%95%81%82%83%80%82%90% 37% UGPS 2011
Question category Teachi ng on the progra mme Assess ment and feedbac k Acade mic support Organis ation and manage ment Learnin g resourc es Persona l develop mentOverall Teachi ng on the progra mme Assess ment and feedbac k Acade mic support Organis ation and manage ment Learnin g resourc es Persona l develop mentOverall Respon se rate University of Leeds84%68%79%77%82%70%82% % School / UL organisational unit Classics83%97%94%100%94%100% % English85%74%79%80%86%74%82% % History94%78%87%70%87%73%100% % Medieval Studies89%70%89%83%100%65%67% % Modern Languages & Cultures85%67%81%79%87%67%85% % Philosophy100%48%70% 90%58%75% % Theology & Religious Studies96%87%100% 96%81%100% % Graduate School of Biological Sciences85%55%79%69%90%62%76% % Education86%79%84%85%76%73%86% % Law89%71%76%73%75%68%80% % Politics & International Studies86%72%78%76%83%66%87% % Sociology & Social Policy88%79%84%81% 65%87% % Civil Engineering75%52%71%72%80%69%71% % Computing83%86%93% 89%77%90% % Electronic & Electrical Engineering81%69%76%67%81%65%79% % Mechanical Engineering89%75%82%84%90%76%89% % Process, Environmental & Materials Engineering81%58%77% 83%69%75% % Earth & Environment79%49%73%70%81%65%80% % Geography81%59%75%82%79%57%82% % Transport Studies86%67%90%88% 76%94% % Leeds University Business School83%69%78% 83%73%84% % Chemistry85%69%88%75%82%75%64% % Food Science and Nutrition82%72%81%71%84%73%76% % Mathematics81%73%90%86%70%71%93% % Physics & Astronomy78%27%100%44%89%67%100% % Molecular Nanoscience86%40%81%71%90%63%71% % Dental Institute69%57%61%42%72%54%67% % Healthcare83%73%78%72%85%70%81% % Medicine82%65%79%78%82%69%78% % Psychological Sciences95%68%88% 82%73%92% % Communications Studies81%74%75%71%80%68%80% % Design88%70%83%80%76%81%92% % Fine Art, History of Art & Cultural Studies96%76%87%72%73%82%88% % Music76%54%71%55%86%79%57% % Performance & Cultural Industries92%86%92%82%75%68%87% % PGT PROGRAMME SURVEY 2011
FTSEC Student Education Annual Summary Statement: Annual Health Checks - Good Practice
Grumbles and comments Before we move on?
PLAN Reflect, consider, share practice, network What have you been doing that is not working, is it time to abandon it? Why – why not? What have you done that has worked? What evidence do you have? Is this transferable?
Into groups Sit with people you don’t know / strategically with similarities Grab your (working )lunch 40 minutes then feedback – “intervention that doesn’t seem to be working” – Something that seems to be working – ANY WHY – ANY EVIDENCE?