The MPH Degree General Timing Salience Personal Interest Career Development Typically* done ‘between’ 3 rd and 4 th year.
MPH Program Tracks: Fall Introduction to Biostatistics Fundamentals of Epidemiology Environmental Health: Principles & Practice Health Behavior and Health Promotion Health Policy & Management The Practice of Public Health Generalist: Practice & Research Health Policy, Law, and Ethics Introduction to Biostatistics Fundamentals of Epidemiology Environmental Health: Principles & Practice Health Behavior and Health Promotion Health Policy & Management The Practice of Public Health
MPH Program Tracks: Spring Public Health Law & Ethics Practice of Public Health Applied Epidemiology Methods Qualitative Methods in Com Health Program Planning and Evaluation Generalist: Practice & Research Health Policy, Law, and Ethics Public Health Law & Ethics Practice of Public Health Policy, Systems, & Administration Health Care Economics Program Planning & Evaluation Comparative Effect. & Outcomes
MPH Program Practical Courses PHS 8890/8900 (Fall/Spring/Summer) - MPH Field Placement ( 3 credits): A minimum of 200 hours is required for the field placement. This experience is designated within the MPH program as the field placement. Field placements are permitted within a wide range of settings, including community agencies as well as state and federal public health agencies. Preparation for the field placement begins in the semester preceding the experience, through a 1-credit overview of the field (PHS 718) and ends with an in-depth, intensive, field experience. PHS 8960 Supervised Independent Research (2 credits): Students participate in research related to Public Health. This research can be independent of the Culminating Experience or lead to the preparation of Culminating Experience materials. PHS 8930/8940 (Fall/Spring/Summer) - MPH Culminating Experience (3 credits): Students must complete a culminating experience that requires them to synthesize and integrate knowledge acquired in the MPH course work and field placement in a way that approximates some aspect of professional practice. Different models are possible, including written or oral comprehensive examinations, a major research paper such as a thesis, the development of teaching or training materials for a targeted population, a grant proposal, or other models as approved. A letter from the M.P.H. director documenting successful completion of the above courses and supporting consideration for medical school elective credit will enable the student to receive up to 8 elective credits toward the M.D. degree providing that the letter is received 4 weeks before graduation.
The Research Cycle Basic ScienceBench/ClinicalClinicalClinical/CommunityPublic Health
Flow of Health Research
The MPH Environmental Health class recently toured the Moores Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant. Chris Schmidt was their guide. MPH students in the field (so to speak)
Reasons for pursuing an MPH Projects Contacts Time Future Opportunities Defending the Medical Profession
Questions and Information Ruth Gaare Bernheim Program Director Al Strickler