Spring Meeting April 17, 2008
Welcome and Introductions
Larry R. Miller Scholarship Ms. Lucy Loftus, HSC
Outstanding Undergraduate Researcher Award Ms. Lucy Loftus, HSC
CAST Associates Award Ms. Maralee Johnson
University Level Awards Dr. Lori Woeste, HSC University Service Initiative Award Dr. Winn Mahatanankoon, ITK University Teaching Initiative Award University Research Initiative Award
CAST Outstanding Teacher ◦ Dr. Guang Jin, HSC
CAST Outstanding Service Award ◦ Dr. Lori Woeste, HSC
CAST Outstanding Researcher ◦ Dr. Chris Merrill, TEC
Mr. Vern Hanks, HSC Dr. Marty Power, FCS Dr. Beth Verner, KNR Dr. Susan Winchip, FCS Dr. Robert Zant, ITK
Mr. Vern Hanks, HSC
Dr. Marty Power, FCS
Dr. Beth Verner, KNR
Dr. Susan Winchip, FCS
Dr. Robert Zant, ITK
Congratulations to all our CAST Colleagues!
Strengths Faculty Teaching External Funding & Scholarship Service Staff
CAST Vision & Mission TEAL Advancement Award College digital signage project CAST in Focus Science & Technology Week
CAST strategic planning was used in defining major objectives in CAST for FY …premier comprehensive undergraduate programs. 2. …graduate education programs that have a state, national, and international reputation for excellence. 3. …state, national, and international recognition for quality research and scholarship.
4. …outreach initiatives that enhance the public and private sectors. 5. …state-of-the-art technology and infrastructure that is sensitive to a healthy, safe, and environmentally sustainable campus. 6. …attracts, develops, and maintains meaningful relationships with internal and external constituencies.
CAST FY 2009 Budget Priorities Restoration of College operational dollars Travel Recapitalizing equipment New GA’s and increased stipends Funds to relocate faculty in McCormick
College Staff Dr. Deb Gentry, Associate Dean Dr. Alan Lacy, Associate Dean Ms. Dorothy Witte, Director of Development Ms. Suzie Zeigler, Administrative Assistant Ms. Cindy Greskiwcz, Secretary Ms. Kate Plantholt, Coord. of Instructional Tech Mr. Chris Andre, Computer Support Specialist Mr. James Hearn, Computer Support Specialist Mr. Vince Boyd, Assistant to the Dean
DEPARTMENT CHAIRS and SCHOOL DIRECTORS Rob Rhykerd, Agriculture Dave Falcone, Criminal Justice Sciences Connor Walters, Family and Consumer Sciences Terry Dennis, Information Technology David Thomas, Kinesiology and Recreation Marilyn Morrow, Health Sciences LTC Eugene Snyman, Military Science Rick Boser, Technology
And, I want to thank YOU!
CASTing a future for Illinois citizens, communities, and economy.