Module VI: Nutrient Deficiency Symptoms Lesson 3: Deficiency Symptoms of Secondary Nutrients Unit 2: Sulfur Deficiency Symptoms After completing this Unit, you should be able to answer: Explain why sulfur deficiency has become important in chili pepper recently? Describe the leaf symptoms due to sulfur deficiency in chili pepper ? How do you differentiate the symptoms between sulfur and nitrogen deficiencies in chili pepper ?
Module VI: Nutrient Deficiency Symptoms Lesson 3: Deficiency Symptoms of Secondary Nutrients Unit 2: Sulfur Deficiency Symptoms It is only recently that deficiency of sulfur has become common in many crops including chili pepper. This situation is due to the recent use of high analysis fertilizers like Di-Ammonium Phosphate (DAP) and urea, and organic pesticides containing very little sulfur resulting in sulfur deficiency.
Module VI: Nutrient Deficiency Symptoms Lesson 3: Deficiency Symptoms of Secondary Nutrients Unit 2: Sulfur Deficiency Symptoms Sorghum plants deficient in sulfur lack vigor, are stunted, pale green to yellow in color, and have thin stems. Compare the dark green healthy plants (left) with the pale yellow sulfur deficient plants (right).
Module VI: Nutrient Deficiency Symptoms Lesson 3: Deficiency Symptoms of Secondary Nutrients Unit 2: Sulfur Deficiency Symptoms Yellowing of leaves will be seen on young (top) leaves while the older leaves remain dark green.
Module VI: Nutrient Deficiency Symptoms Lesson 3: Deficiency Symptoms of Secondary Nutrients Unit 2: Sulfur Deficiency Symptoms Yellowing of leaves also is characteristic of nitrogen deficiency. But, in this case, yellowing always starts with older leaves (bottom leaves) and proceeds upward. On the contrary, yellowing of leaves due to sulfur deficiency is more marked in the younger leaves (top leaves). Only in case of severe sulfur deficiency, the older leaves also may turn pale yellow.
Module VI: Nutrient Deficiency Symptoms Lesson 3: Deficiency Symptoms of Secondary Nutrients Unit 2: Sulfur Deficiency Symptoms With this, the Unit 2 on Sulfur Deficiency Symptoms in chili pepper in this Lesson concludes. The last Unit in this Lesson deals with the deficiency symptoms of magnesium in chili pepper.