An Allman Brothers Band Fan Webpage By: Tim Danos
Why? The Allman Brothers Band is one of my favorite musical groups. Grew up on the band Have bonded with my family over the band’s music This project interests me and is likely to be interesting to others.
Objectives To express my interest in the Allman Brothers Band To use information technology skills I have learned from Basics of Computing To build an attractive and comprehensive website
Problems Encountered Deciding how many components to use and how feasible each one would be Finding an appropriate applet and embedding that applet onto the website Slight formatting issues (i.e. tiling)
What I learned Learned more about the band’s history Learned how to use various formatting techniques Learned how to use applications effectively
The website Proposal (MS Word) Presentation (MS PowerPoint) Biography (MS SharePoint Designer) Tour Dates (MS Excel) Albums (link) Lyrics (link) Videos (Embedded from Youtube) Pictures (MS SharePoint Designer) Applets (Music applet) Link to official website