1 HCI History Key people, events, ideas and paradigm shifts This material has been developed by Georgia Tech HCI faculty, and continues to evolve. Contributors include Gregory Abowd, Jim Foley, Diane Gromala, Elizabeth Mynatt, Jeff Pierce, Colin Potts, Chris Shaw, John Stasko, and Bruce Walker. This specific presentation also borrows from James Landay and Jason Hong at UC Berkeley. Comments directed to are encouraged. Permission is granted to use with acknowledgement for non-profit purposes. Last revision: January
2 Key People People Vannevar Bush J. R. (Lick) Licklider Ivan Sutherland Doug Engelbart Alan Kay Ted Nelson Nicholas Negroponte Mark Weiser Jaron Lanier
Key Innovators Vannevar Bush 1945 Memex Store and link all information J. R. Licklider 1960 Man-computer symbiosis Timesharing 3
Key Innovators Ivan Sutherland 1963 Sketchpad Interactive Graphics Icons Light pen OOP classes and instances 4
Key Innovator Douglas Englebart Mouse Multimedia Hypertext Windows Shared files Electronic message teleconferencing 5
History of HCI AFIP Fall Joint Conference, 1968 Document Processing –modern word processing –outline processing –hypermedia Input / Output –the mouse and one-handed corded keyboard –high resolution displays –multiple windows –specially designed furniture Shared work –shared files and personal annotations –electronic messaging –shared displays with multiple pointers –audio/video conferencing –ideas of an Internet User testing, training Video 10:50 minutes in