Wendiann Sethi Director of Developmental Mathematics Department of Mathematics & Computer Science
The first stages of using SPSS - creating a data set and then describing the data. We will be discussing data and best practices of creating a database within SPSS. Then we will cover the ways that we would describe the data through numerical and graphical representations.
Getting into SPSS Data ◦ Creating a new data set ◦ Multiple responses Descriptive Statistics ◦ Analyze – Descriptive statistics ◦ Graph
Data Transform Analyze Graphs
Using the handout, create a new data file Codebook Variable view Data view
How to deal with questions were the participant can choose several choices. ANALYZE>MULTIPLE RESPONSE ◦ Define sets ◦ Frequencies ◦ Crosstabs Example data: survey_sample.sav ◦ Eth1, 2, 3 – multiple response method ◦ News 1, 2, 3 – multiple dichotomy method
Edit>Options ◦ General ◦ Output ◦ Pivot tables