Jessica Sandoval Melissa Fredette Bryant Cornell Shih-Chung Chang Chris Johnston.


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Presentation transcript:

Jessica Sandoval Melissa Fredette Bryant Cornell Shih-Chung Chang Chris Johnston

Transfer individuals with disabilities Self contained device Simple operation Patent pending Functioning prototype

 Overhead devices  Sling-based  Manual transfers

 Non-invasive  Operator and user safety  Simple operation  Self contained  Cost  Increased mobility

 Airline industry − 20 major air carriers − 32 national air carriers − 89 regional and commuter air carriers − 517 commercial airports  Health care − 7569 Hospitals − New regulation regarding patient transfers − >16,000 nursing homes in US  Home care − Fastest growing market − Escalating health care costs − Independence

 2.7 Million wheelchair users (2006)  Robust, increasing demand “Baby Boomer” generation  Prevalence of orthopedic impairments

Evaluation Criteria Start up capital Overhead costs Potential return (ST) Potential return (LT) Marketing costs Time to market IP protection Threat from competitors Reqd. business functions Potential for expansion Quality control Ease of market entry Price level Profit margin Risk BM Attributes In house manufacturing Outsource manufacturing Direct Selling Leasing Distributors License technology Joint venture (partnership)

Potential New Entrants Patent pending Buyers Medium to high power Switching cost Low frequency purchase Rivalry Among Competing Sellers Haycomp lift Multiple competing products New expanding market Suppliers Low power Many sources Substitute Products Manual Lifting

 Product cost vs. current state  Required development  Current economic situation

 Minimize production costs  Maintain a price competitive product  Identifying customer benefit  Efficient distribution channel  Gain market awareness

 Growing Market Niche Underserved Limited new products  Airline Industry Competitors Competitive advantage Market definition  Expansion to additional markets Brand awareness