Concurrency Interleaved or overlapped execution Examples from general purpose digital computing: Threads Multiprogramming Multiprocessing Examples from computing in nature: Team projects Transportation Food chain Allows more efficient execution, design flexibility
Challenges of concurrency Cannot predict relative execution speed Cannot know which process* will run next Effective allocation of shared resources Memory (e.g. shared variables) I/O devices (or associated data structures) Testing and debugging Program behaviour cannot be reliably replicated * In this discussion “process” is used to mean an entity of dispatch
Race conditions Final result depends on order of execution Can happen when two or more processes modify a shared resource For example …
… a threaded mail server Suppose Mail server counts the emails received each day Emails received by any of several worker threads The assembly language description of the worker threads might include the following: LOAD MailCount ADD 1 STORE MailCount
A Possible Execution Trace Thread 1 Load MailCount Add 1 Store MailCount Thread 2 Load MailCount Add 1 Store MailCount
Preventing Race Conditions Restrict access to shared resources Requires restricting access to code (at some level) that accesses shared resources (“critical section”) Only when one process has completed execution of the critical section can another process be allowed to begin executing it (“mutual exclusion”)
Requirements for a mutual exclusion solution Only one process at a time is allowed into its critical section (CS) To prevent race conditions A process that halts in its non-CS must do so without interfering with other processes. Definition of critical section Process waiting for CS must not be delayed indefinitely To prevent deadlock and starvation Whenever there is no process in the CS and at least one process waiting to enter the CS, one must be permitted access To prevent starvation No assumptions are made about the relative speeds or number of processes The time that any one process remains inside its critical section is finite Assumption
Four different approaches Hardware Turn off interrupts Special instruction(s) Software Application layer System layer (OS/compiler)
1. Disable interrupts void func() { <non CS> /* enable interrupts */ } Satisfies requirements No interrupts means no mode switches No mode switches means no process switches No process switches means no race condition Simple and efficient Appropriate for some embedded systems Insecure Trusts application to announce exit from critical section Only applicable on single processor systems
2. Special Instruction(s) TESTSET X1, X2: Test X1, and set X2 accordingly Executes atomically – nothing else executes between test operation and set operation! For example (assuming X1 and X2 are stored in registers R1 and R2): If register R1 contains the value 0, store the value 1 in both register R1 and R2 Otherwise, leave R1 unchanged and store the value 0 in register R2. Pros? Cons? Example application (busy wait): int bolt = false; void main() { parbegin( P( 0 ),P( 1 )…P( n ) ) } void P( int j ) { while( ! TestSet( bolt ) ) { /* do nothing */ <CS> bolt = false; <non-CS>
3. Application layer Relies on hardware support Typical assumption: machine language instructions cannot concurrently modify a memory location
Dekker’s Algorithm (1) Discussed in Appendix A (Figure A.2, p. 375) for the case of two processes Global variable indicates next process to receive access to critical section Processes busy wait (a.k.a. spin wait) while checking the global variable When a process detects that no other process is in the critical section, it asserts its entry (i.e. updates the global variable) Issues: Processes are strictly ordered (coroutines) Process failure (in or out of critical section)
Dekker’s Algorithm (2) Global variable for each process indicating its presence in critical section Processes busy wait while checking other processes’ presence When a process detects that no other process is in the critical section, it asserts its entry (i.e. updates its global variable) Issues: Process failure in critical section (this does not violate requirements) No mutual exclusion (two processes check global variables, then enter critical section)
Dekker’s Algorithm (3) Global variable for each process indicating its presence in critical section Processes first assert their entry, then busy wait while checking other processes’ presence Issues: Process failure in critical section Deadlock (two processes assert their entry, then busy wait)
Dekker’s Algorithm (4) Global variable for each process indicating its need to enter critical section Processes first assert their need to enter, then busy wait checking other processes’ need to enter Unassert their own need Wait Assert it again Issues: Process failure in critical section “Livelock” starvation (two processes assert their needs, then unassert them, then sequence repeats indefinitely)
Dekker’s Algorithm (Final) Global variables indicating Each process’ need to enter critical section Which process is first in line for the critical section Processes first assert their need to enter, then busy wait Check other processes’ need to enter If they are not first in line Unassert their own need Wait Assert it again Upon entering critical section, processes update the global variable indicating which process is next Issue: Fairness (how to decide which process is next)
Peterson’s Algorithm Discussed in Appendix A (Figure A.3, p. 736) for the case of two processes More elegant than Dekker’s algorithm Generalization to n processes left as an exercise for the student