Division Algorithms Compare the scaffolding algorithm with the standard algorithm.
An alternative method of division
Meaning of Division 9 ÷ 2 = 4 R1means 2 ∙ = 9
Mathematical language
For any whole numbers a and b, except that b cannot be equal to zero, there exist two whole numbers q and r such that a is equal to b times q plus r, where r is less than b and could possibly be equal to zero.
Mental Division Some are easier to do in our heads than others: 6000/30 How about 152 divided by 8?
Rules for order of operations Pleaseparentheses from inside out excuseexponents mymultiplication and Deardivision from left to right Auntaddition and Sallysubtraction from left to right
Rules for order of operations Why do we have the rules? Where did the rules come from?
Order of operations
Rules for order of operations Pleaseparentheses from inside out excuseexponents my Dear multiplication and division from left to right Aunt Sally addition and subtraction from left to right
Rules for order of operations Why do we have the rules? Where did the rules come from?
Order of operations
Connections Addition and Multiplication Subtraction and Division
Connections Addition and Subtraction
Inverse Operations Addition and subtraction Number line representations
Inverse Operations Multiplication and Division number line representation