RELIABILITY & VALIDITY What is Reliability? What is Reliability?What is Reliability?What is Reliability? How Can We Measure Reliability? How Can We Measure Reliability?How Can We Measure Reliability?How Can We Measure Reliability? What is Validity? What is Validity?What is Validity?What is Validity? What are the Types of Validity? What are the Types of Validity?What are the Types of Validity?What are the Types of Validity?
What is Reliability? Extent to which a measurement is consistent. Extent to which a measurement is consistent. Greater measurement error means lower reliability. Greater measurement error means lower reliability.
Ways of Measuring Reliability Inter-rater Reliability Inter-rater Reliability Test-Retest Reliability Test-Retest Reliability Alternate Forms Reliability Alternate Forms Reliability Split-Half Reliability Split-Half Reliability
What is Validity? Extent to which a method measures what it is claimed to measure Extent to which a method measures what it is claimed to measure Reliability is a prerequisite for validity. Reliability is a prerequisite for validity.
Content Validity Extent to which an instrument includes appropriate content Extent to which an instrument includes appropriate content Consult experts about content of test Consult experts about content of test
Construct Validity Extent to which the appropriate construct is measured Extent to which the appropriate construct is measured Look for agreement with accepted measures of the same construct Look for agreement with accepted measures of the same construct Review literature to determine appropriate variables that represent the construct Review literature to determine appropriate variables that represent the construct
Criterion Validity Extent to which behaviors are accurately predicted Extent to which behaviors are accurately predicted Concurrent validity – present performance Concurrent validity – present performance Predictive validity – future performance Predictive validity – future performance Use correlational research to determine and improve ability to predict Use correlational research to determine and improve ability to predict
External Validity Extent to which the results can be generalized Extent to which the results can be generalized Improve ecological validity – how well the method represents appropriate situations/settings Improve ecological validity – how well the method represents appropriate situations/settings
Internal Validity Extent to which the results represent the relationship of interest Extent to which the results represent the relationship of interest Eliminate or control confounding variables - extraneous variables that change systematically with a variable of interest Eliminate or control confounding variables - extraneous variables that change systematically with a variable of interest