Minimizing Attrition: Strategies for Assisting Students who are at Risk for Withdrawal C. L. Park, RN, PhD; B. Perry RN, PhD; M. Edwards RN, PhD, Center for Nursing and Health Studies, Athabasca University
Previous research in the field: Park, C., Boman, J., Care, D., Edwards, M., & Perry, B. (In Press). Persistence or attrition: What is being measured? Journal of College Student Retention: Research, Theory and Practice. Perry, B., Boman, J., Care, D., Edwards, M., & Park, C. (2008). Why do students withdraw from online graduate education: A descriptive study. Journal of Educators Online, 5(1), Available online at
Rovai Composite Persistence Model
Strategies Strategies Course Design Course Delivery Program Organization Ease Re-integration
Course Design matching learning style to course design ensuring social interaction
Course Delivery Mentoring Mid-term progress reports Regular student contact
Program Organization Mandatory orientation Academic advising Success strategy course Careful admission screening Focus on student /university relationships