Today’s Agenda: eProcurement New suppliers and what we’re working on Strategic Sourcing Equipment maintenance program Record Retention Best Practices Guest Speaker: Barbara Benson Travel Office Updates Travel Card Training Restrict ions Tax Office Updates Tax Office Training 3% or 1099 reporting updates Security Update: SSNs on invoices Lean Projects Purchasing Copiers Supplier Registration Accounts Payable Shared Services BDP Small Business Plan Paper Conservation Program Checks: Changes to Check Printing ePayables / PayMode Biennium Close Procurement Desktop Reports Supplier Spotlight Fisher: March 1 Health Sciences 2
N EW E P ROCUREMENT S UPPLIERS eBioscience Inc. a manufacturer of antibodies, reagents and cytokines for the biotechnology, pharmaceutical and medical research community is now available in eProcurement. Agilent Technologies, Inc., a leading manufacturer and supplier of scientific test equipment, bio-analytical and electronic measurements tools, supplies and consumables, including Strategene products, is now available in eProcurement. Millipore is a Life Science leader providing cutting-edge technologies, tools, and services for bio science research and bio pharmaceutical manufacturing. Office Depot Green Cart feature will help your office become “greener” by recommending an alternate item with “greener” attributes when one is available. 3
eProcurement What are we working on??? Santa Cruz BioRad EnPointe Computer Hardware Distributor for Lenovo Life Science 4
5 New contract available for scientific equipment maintenance Specialty Underwriters – specialize in working with universities and hospitals Typical Savings of 10-20% Use the same suppliers you are currently using Coming Soon…
ProCard Reconciliation & Record Retention Myths & Misconceptions QuestionAnswer If we don’t have transactions in a particular month, do we print out the ProCard transaction detail report? Can we scan our paper invoices and then shred the paper? Electronic receipt/invoices from merchants – Do we have to print the invoice or can we just save the electronic invoice on our computer/system? No, printing a blank report is not required. However, users are advised to check with their department internal procedures. No. You are welcome to scan your invoices, but right now you must still keep the original paper. ProCard advises you to print invoices and attach them to the report for reconciliation. However, from a records management perspective if they are both electronic and you can tie them together—and there is no paper--you don’t have to print.
ProCard and Records Management All records (both paper and electronic) have a specific amount of time they need to be kept before they can be destroyed. For state budgets, this records retention period can be found at: schedules/gs/general/uwgs6 schedules/gs/general/uwgs6 For grant/contract budgets it can be found at: schedules/gs/general/uwgs7 schedules/gs/general/uwgs7
Paper v. Electronic Records If you receive an invoice or receipt in paper, it has to stay in paper to meet records retention requirements. It can be scanned, but the paper is still considered your official copy. If you receive an invoice or receipt electronically, you can keep it electronically and do not need to print. If you have a mixture of paper and electronic records, right now it is best to keep everything in paper to satisfy audit requirements. For your own reference use, you are welcome to scan the paper and refer to the electronic file.
Tax News for % Withholding Governmental agencies must withhold 3% tax Applies to payments over $10,000 Applies to payments for property or services Bill to repeal has been introduced Expanded 1099 Reporting 1099 reporting will be required for all payments over $600 Will include payments to corporations (currently exempted from reporting) Will include payments for goods, as well as services (currently only services) Bill to repeal passed Senate 9
Tax Office Tax Office Starts 2011 Tax Training Series - WA Sales & Use Tax Overview – For more information and a link to the sign up page please see the Tax Training page.Tax Training page 10
Security Initiative: SSN Update from AP Since December we've been actively working on masking SSN's on "online" invoices and related paperwork. This is a very manual process and we may not always catch that information before sending to scanning. We're working on adding language to our website advising suppliers not to include their SSN's on their invoices and requesting departments to help us mask sensitive information on invoices before sending to AP. Our 1099 database is locked on the i-drive with restricted access to only a few individuals in AP and in IOM. The Issue:Personal SSNs are often listed on invoices Here is what AP is doing to mitigate that risk: 11
Travel Card Travel Card Training RESTRICT NON-TRAVEL RELATED MERCHANTS ON THE INDIVIDUAL TRAVEL CARD. Examples: Barber and Beauty Shops Dating and Escort Services Massage Parlors Health and Beauty Spas Personal Services Jewelry Stores Gambling establishments Travel Matrix ps/sites/default/files/cts/form s/Travel%20Matrix.pdf
LEAN Project Updates : Copiers Clean up existing orders/invoices issues Select suppliers for assessment/pilot project Select Departments for pilot Goals R EDUCE EQUIPMENT BY 25% R EDUCE PAPER USE BY 30% R EDUCE COST TO UW BY 25% R EDUCE INVOICE DISCREPANCIES BY 75% R EDUCE ENERGY USE OF COPIERS AND PRINTERS BY 50% Kaizens 14
LEAN Project Updates » S UPPLIER R EGISTRATION P ORTAL Wave 1: target completion May Will allow suppliers to submit their information via one method (online) Benefits: cutting out redundancy and variation in the delivery process, ensuring strict version control, and finally, eliminating majority of manual data input in the process. This first wave will allow us to cut down 55 steps in the present day process and dramatically reduce the turnaround timeline for the supplier registration process. 15
LEAN Project Updates » AP P RODUCTION L INE KAIZEN : FOCUSED ON STREAMLINING AP PROCESSES FOR INVOICES PROCESSED ON PAS PO’ S AP will be transitioning into the old Travel space in February to pilot the “Production Line” kaizen Looking at streaming how copies of invoices are sent to campus Looking at increasing the threshold for NonRIP invoices » AP STAR TEAM KAIZEN : FOCUSING ON PREVENTING & RESOLVING INVOICE DISCREPANCIES Working on Single Point of Contact (SPOC) for AP and Purchasing to review and resolve most discrepancies 16
LEAN Project Updates » S HARED S ERVICES W HAT IS IT : Joint project with College of Arts and Sciences to create a Shared Services Center to consolidate transactional activities L ATEST U PDATE : Project manager is on board Fiscal Specialist 2 positions will be posted Office space established 17
LEAN Project: Small Business Subcontracting Plans These plans are required for all federal contracts over $650,000 Requires goals for spending a portion of contract funds with small businesses owned and controlled by socially and economically disadvantaged individuals The goal is to create a more efficient and transparent process for creating and reporting on the small business subcontracting plans Any department that has large federal contracts is encouraged to provide input 18
19 Small Businesses in eProcurement A. Daigger Excel Gloves & Safety Supplies* ISC Bioexpress Lab Equipment & Supplies Bioline eBioscience Fermentas Reagents Complete Office Keeney’s Office Plus* Office Supplies Arnold Dental Supply Troxell Communications Other
20 Diverse Supplier Search
UW Paper Conservation Program Website: Profiles In Green Check out best practices on paper reduction from members of the UW community. Beverly Anderson, School of Forest Resources Beverly Anderson Kevin Steenis, UWIT Kevin Steenis Howard Chizeck, Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering Howard Chizeck UW Professional & Continuing Education UWEO UW Professional & Continuing Education Contact Us If you have ideas or best practices, contact us at
UW Paper Conservation Committee Paper Conservation Committee was formed in January 2010 and is sponsored by UW Finance and Facilities, and the UW Environmental Stewardship and Sustainability office Committee members include representation from the following: UWMC Materials Management & HMC Purchasing UW Procurement Services UW Recycling & Solid Waste UW Creative Communications UW & UW Medicine IT Services UW Bothell - Facility Services & Physical Plant UW Tacoma - Finance & Administration UW Faculty UW Educational Outreach
Substitute House Bill 2287 Three components: Develop and implement a plan to increase recycling of all paper products and achieve 100% recycling of all copy and print paper by July 1, 2010 Develop and implement a paper conservation program with the objective of reducing consumption of white cut- sheet paper by 30% by July 1, 2010 Transition to 100% post-consumer recycled paper for copiers and printers by December 31, 2009
Questions or comments? Environmental Stewardship and Sustainability Office Phone: (206)
Checks ~ Effective February 15th ~ Distribution of paper checks for suppliers & travel reimbursements will begin its transition to Creative Communications. This change will be seamless to campus. ~ Phase 2 ~ Phase 2 will transfer the process of sorting, separating, and handling all vendor checks and travel reimbursements to Mailing Services. Impact to campus: There will be a location change for payment-check pick-up. No special requests will be allowed after a check has been issued The implementation timeline is dependent on programming requirements. As we get closer to a date for implementation, we will notify you of the date. 25
Procurement Desktop Reports Prioritize & flesh out some report specifications March 2011 Beta Testing April 2011 Target delivery for reports to campus users Starting Point: 35 reports 26
Biennium Close Biennium Close Cut-Off Dates are currently under review March 31st = recommended deadline for Large Ticket Purchase Orders How will we communicate the deadlines with you? - Procurement Services “What’s New” on the Web (link)link - Procurement Services eNews (link)link - Monthly Biennium Close eNewsletters (in development) - PAS Flashes - FM Newsletters (link)link - MyFinancial.desktop news (link)link Are you new to Biennium Close? - Check out the online Biennium Close Awareness Training on the Procurement Services Website (in development) 27
The world leader in serving science University of Washington
29 Agenda Fisher Scientific Customer Facing Individuals Suppliers available through Fisher Scientific on eProcurement Oligo / Primer ordering on eProcurement SimpleSeq 2011 new suppliers available through eProcurement
30 Fisher Customer Facing Individuals Susie Miller Professional Sales Representative Emily Green Professional Sales Representative Mac Pinski Regional Manager of Sales J. T. McGuire Director of Sales – Academic & Medical Res. Mkts. Cliff Waits Regional Vice President of Sales – West Region Joe Centofante `Vice President of Sales – Academic & Medical Res. Mkts. Joe BoswellSenior Business Systems Consultant Dennis Young Fisher Chemical Specialist Andrew Koerber Fisher Life Science Specialist Michael GainesFisher Safety Specialist Support Structure Thermo Fisher Scientific - Manufacture Reps (multiple) Dedicated Customer Service Line Phone: Fax: Steve Nicholson – Director, Finance
31 Fisher Scientific Provides Choice for Life Science
32 Fisher Scientific Provides Choice for Life Science
33 Thermo Fisher Scientific Manufacturers
34 Eurofins MWG Operon Custom Oligos – How to Order Getting Started: To begin online ordering, login with your username and password, then navigate to Fisher Scientific on eProcurement.Fisher Scientific on eProcurement Click the Custom Oligos button on the left side of the home page.
35 Eurofins MWG Operon Custom Oligos – How to Order To start building oligos, click green “Customize” button
36 Eurofins MWG Operon Custom Oligos – How to Order Build your oligo – add sequence, name, modifications, purification, quantity and any notes
37 Step 2: Review Pricing The green “Add to Cart” button places oligos in the shopping cart. The blue “Edit” button allows you to change the oligos.
38 New Suppliers & Product Lines Sartorius Stedim “Turning science into solutions on a daily basis” Products used for development, quality assurance, and small scale production in biopharma and academia High quality bioscience research products including: Fermentation and bioreactors Filtration Microbiology Purification…and more Sartorius Mechatronics Leading manufacturer of precision weighing equipment and analytical devices Analytical balances, top-loading balances, micro balances, moisture balances, scales, electrochemistry Quality instruments at competitive prices
39 New Suppliers &roduct Lines Thermo Scientific Fermentas Best-in-class offering of molecular biology products World leader in the discovery, manufacturing and marketing of high quality reagents Market leading molecular biology products including: Restriction enzymes and modification enzymes PCR-related products Nucleic acid ladders/markers and kits Nucleotides and reagents Thermo Scientific Finnzymes Industry leading PCR reagents and instrumentation DNA polymerases, PCR instruments, and reaction vessels offer a truly integrated solution Thermo Scientific Phusion and Phire products provide industry leading performance Customers save time, space, and money
40 New Suppliers & Product Lines Affymetrix GeneAtlas System Complete microarray solution for measuring whole-genome expression Easy-to-use bench top design provides a complete end-to-end solution for processing the most widely cited gene expression arrays Take control of your samples and accelerate your pace to results and publication, at a price you can afford Utilizes an entirely new array format—the array strip, with four arrays per strip
41 New Suppliers & Product Lines Thermo Scientific MaxQ Shakers Reliability, ease of use, and flexibility Bench-top, floor, and stackable models with incubation, refrigeration, and water bath options Unmatched power, accuracy, and reproducible results Triple eccentric drive mechanism is guaranteed for life Thermo Scientific Heratherm Ovens & Incubators Superior sample protection, ease of use, and efficiency Available in three different models: General Protocol, Advanced Protocol and, Advanced Protocol Security Each unit is available in 60-, 100- and 180-liter sizes Feature a small footprint, an easy-to-clean rounded interior, and an intuitive display
42 New Program: Lab Animal Science Fisher Scientific’s newly developed Lab Animal Science Program features a portfolio specifically designed to meet your diverse research needs. Discover a broad portfolio ranging from animal handling to surgical equipment and supplies. The program allows you to consolidate your orders, enhancing your purchasing experience. Fisher Scientific’s LAS Program is divided into the following categories and represented by the following suppliers: