Lab 1
Name the Kingdom covered in Lab 1 Protista
Name the Phylum Euglenozoa
Name the Structure Flagellum
Name the Phylum Gymnamoeba
Name the Structure Pseudopod
Name the Phylum Formanifera What type of tests do these organisms produce? Calcareous
Name the Phylum Radiolaria What type of tests do these organisms produce? Silicious
Name the Phylum Ciliophora Name the structures indicated by the arrows Cilia
Name the Phylum Apicomplexa
Name the Phylum Chlorophyta Name the structure indicated by the arrow in this picture of Oedogonium Zygote
Name the Phylum Bacillariophyta
Name the Phylum Phaeophyta Name the structure indicated by the red arrow Stipe/Stalk Name the structure indicated by the black arrow Blade
Name the Phylum Rhodophyta
Name the Phylum Myxogastrida
Name the Phylum Euglenozoa