<Idea Title> Students : XXX, YYY (University) Mentor: XXX (University/ Amdocs) Supervisor: XXX (Amdocs) Hanoch Sapoznikov Lead of Worldwide Academic Relations 30 Oct 2011 Month Year
Challenge Statement Original Challenge Statement
Recommendation Our recommendation is….. State your final recommendation after the completion of the Yin-Yang analysis and adaptation of the “raw” idea.
Risks Risk #1 Risk #2 List the risks associated with the proposed idea. The risks are the “negatives” left after the end of the Yin-Yang session, in which the original “raw” idea undergoes adaptation to minimize it’s negative impact and maximize it’s benefits. Sometime additional research is needed in order to verify all risks. Risks are based on all the “negatives” left after the Yin-Yang session
Benefits Benefit #1 Benefit #2 List the benefits associated with the proposed idea. The benefits are the “positives” accumulated at the end of the Yin- Yang session, in which the original “raw” idea undergoes adaptation to minimize it’s negative impact and maximize it’s benefits. Sometime additional research is needed in order to verify all benefits. Benefits are based on all the “positives” in the Yin-Yang session
Resources Owners/roles required These are the owners of tasks required to create the Concept presentation. E.g.: Market research, legal implications research, technical research, and testing of existing technology. Owners of tasks required to create the Concept presentation. E.g. additional research, trials, etc.
Tracking Milestone Owner Description Date Owner of task Description of task requiring completion Milestones for owners of tasks required to create the Concept presentation. E.g. additional research, trials, etc. Tracking is used for planning tasks required to create the Concept presentation. It is based on the resources/owners identified in the previous slide.