James Webb Space Telescope Update Eric P. Smith Deputy Director, JWST Program NASA Science Mission Directorate
2010 Programmatic Events 2AAS 217th Meeting TAT: Test Assessment Team ICRP: Independent Comprehensive Review Panel
NASA TAT Responses FindingStatus Prioritization of Verification TasksConcur, tasks being prioritized OTIS Testing at JSCConcur with goals of recommendation MIRI Testing at JSCConcur, will establish MIRI testing plans NIR Detector Operating MarginsAdditional testing shows no need for new detectors Dedicated I&T LeadConcur: Jeff Hanley on board Decision Making During OTIS TestingConcur, decision trees under development l&T Reorganization (OTIS)Concur: Completed Prioritization of Optical TestsConcur, test being prioritized ISIM Instrument and Optical TestingConcur, reducing instrument CPT tests after delivery Thermal Balance Testing at JSCConcur, threat in the system Enhanced Pathfinder TestingConcur, Lien in the system ISIM Cryo Testing LengthISIM testing shortened to mitigate this concern Chamber Checkout at JSCConcur Thermal Simulation Turnaround TimeConcur Thermal Test Assessment CriteriaConcur Parallel Optical & Thermal JSCConcur Use of Radiator MarginConcur 3AAS 217th Meeting
ICRP Recommendations (1) Baseline Funding – NASA did not establish an adequate cost and schedule baseline at JWST’s Confirmation Review milestone, and recommended four specific steps be taken to establish a realistic baseline. 4AAS 217th Meeting
ICRP Recommendations (2) Independent Analysis Capability – NASA Headquarters should have a robust independent cost and program analysis capability, and recommended a stronger role for the Office of Independent Program and Cost Evaluation (IPCE). 5AAS 217th Meeting
ICRP Recommendations (3) Program and Project Management – Recommended that JWST be elevated to a new organizational entity at Headquarters – Implementation phase of JWST project requires a different management approach than the Formulation phase 6AAS 217th Meeting
HQ Management Changes 7AAS 217th Meeting WAS IS
GSFC Management Changes 8AAS 217th Meeting WASIS
ICRP Recommendations (4) Additional Items – NASA program/project governance policy – Program, Project, Industry communication – Potential Risk in Integration and Test ICRP Endorsed findings of the TAT – System Engineering Establish a plan that provides the required level of experience and involves appropriate prime contractor personnel before changing system engineering accountability – Project Scientist and Science Team Recommend this role be strengthened 9AAS 217th Meeting
Steps to A Launch Date 10AAS 217th Meeting
End 11AAS 217th Meeting