Consumer Satisfaction Surveys 2009 Survey For further information contact Dennis McBride (253) 756-2335 or For the complete report.


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Presentation transcript:

Consumer Satisfaction Surveys 2009 Survey For further information contact Dennis McBride (253) or For the complete report go to ( THE WASHINGTON INSTITUTE FOR MENTAL HEALTH RESEARCH & TRAINING

The Consumer Surveys are designed to examine quality issues related to Washington State’s delivery of state- funded mental health services THE WASHINGTON INSTITUTE FOR MENTAL HEALTH RESEARCH & TRAINING Survey Goal Consumer Satisfaction Surveys 2009 Survey

Audiences  Mental Health Division for Federal Reporting  State Performance Indicator Groups  Provider Agencies & Regional Support Networks  MH Consumer Groups THE WASHINGTON INSTITUTE FOR MENTAL HEALTH RESEARCH & TRAINING Consumer Satisfaction Surveys 2009 Survey

Surveys to meet CMS requirements SurveyYearDate Range Statewide Sample Based Outcomes Survey1998January 1998 – January 1999 Children with Special Needs1999March – May 2001 Adult Consumer Survey 2002February – June April – June March – June May – August April – July March – May 2009 Youth and Family Survey 2002August – September March – June May – August April – July March – May 2009

Samples Consumer Satisfaction Surveys 2009 Survey  Persons receiving at least one hour of service within the 6 month time frame.  Adult Consumer Survey - Adult: 18+  Youth & Family Survey - Youth: 13 – 20 - Family: Children < 13  Stratified Random Sample  Probability Proportionate to Size (RSN) THE WASHINGTON INSTITUTE FOR MENTAL HEALTH RESEARCH & TRAINING


Sources of Data MHD Consumer Information System Contact Information Consumer Satisfaction Surveys 2009 Survey THE WASHINGTON INSTITUTE FOR MENTAL HEALTH RESEARCH & TRAINING  ACES Barcode data – Economic Services of DSHS  Regional Support Networks  Individual provider agencies (contractors)

Sample FrameDrawn SampleRespondent Sample Selecting Participants Adult Consumer Satisfaction 2009 Survey 4,513 6,078 1,565

Disposition (%) Completions1,565 (25.7%) Refusals820 (13.5%) Incorrect Numbers2,951 (48.6%) No MH Services68 (1.1%) Language Barrier108 (1.8%) Unavailable380 (6.3%) Deceased77 (1.3%) Other109 (1.8%) TOTAL6,078 (100%) Incorrect numbers: incorrect, disconnected, and those respondents for whom contact data were never obtained. Other: claimed had already responded to survey, requested a mailed survey but didn’t respond, requested callback but unavailable after numerous attempts to do so. ACS Disposition Consumer Satisfaction Surveys 2009 Survey

Response Rates & Cooperation Rates Over Time: ACS Consumer Satisfaction Surveys 2009 Survey

Total number of calls = 38,619 ACS: 27,091 YFS: 11,528 Average number of calls per completion: THE WASHINGTON INSTITUTE FOR MENTAL HEALTH RESEARCH & TRAINING Consumer Satisfaction Surveys 2009 Survey

“Representativeness” Respondent Sample Drawn Sample Sample Frame Consumer Satisfaction Surveys 2009 Survey Age Service Hours ACS Age Service Hours YFS FemaleMinority Female Minority THE WASHINGTON INSTITUTE FOR MENTAL HEALTH RESEARCH & TRAINING

The location of services was convenient. Perception of Access Staff were willing to see me as often as I felt it was necessary. Services were available at times that were good for me. Staff returned my calls within 24 hours Scale Alpha = 0.82 Sample Scale Creation Consumer Satisfaction Surveys 2009 Survey Scoring : 1 Strongly Disagree; 2 Disagree; 3 Undecided; 4 Agree; 5 Strongly Agree

Alpha 1.General Satisfaction.87 2.Appropriateness and Quality of Services.87 3.Participation in Treatment Goals.57 4.Perceived Outcomes.90 5.Perception of Access.82 6.NOMS Functioning.86 7.NOMS Social Connectedness.79 8.Stigma.87 Adult Consumer Satisfaction 2009 Survey Scale Construction 1-5 MHSIP: Mental Health Statistical Improvement Project 6-9 Added in 2007

THE WASHINGTON INSTITUTE FOR MENTAL HEALTH RESEARCH & TRAINING ACS Scales Percent Satisfied Average Score Adult Consumer Satisfaction 2009 Survey General Satisfaction Quality of Service Participation in Treatment Perception of Access Perceived Outcomes

Stigma Scale Items People discriminate against me because I have a mental illness. Others think I can’t achieve much in life because I have a mental illness. People ignore me or take me less seriously just because I have a mental illness. People often patronize me, or treat me like a child, just because I have a mental illness. Nobody would be interested in getting close to me because I have a mental illness

THE WASHINGTON INSTITUTE FOR MENTAL HEALTH RESEARCH & TRAINING ACS Perceived Stigma by Gender/Age Female Male 18 to <21 21 to <41 41 to <61 61 to < Percent Satisfied Average Score Age (years) Adult Consumer Satisfaction 2009 Survey

r * 1.General Satisfaction Appropriateness and Quality of Services Participation in Treatment Goals Perceived Outcomes Perception of Access NOMS Functioning NOMS Social Connectedness-.304 Adult Consumer Satisfaction 2009 Survey Stigma Scale Correlations P <.001 N = 4018

NOMS Social ConnectednessAlpha =.79 I am happy with the friendships that I have. I have people with whom I can do enjoyable things. I feel I belong in my community. In a crisis, I would have the support I need from family or friends. Mean score = 3.76 SD =.82 N = 1499 CI (.95) =

 Demographics and Total Service Hours  Living Situation by Age, Gender, & Ethnicity  Employment Status by Age, Gender, & Ethnicity  Medical/Insurance Information by Age, Gender, & Ethnicity  Satisfaction Scales by Age, Gender, & Ethnicity  Satisfaction Scales by RSN Other Relationships Consumer Satisfaction Surveys 2009 Survey THE WASHINGTON INSTITUTE FOR MENTAL HEALTH RESEARCH & TRAINING

What two things do you like the most about the services you received? Consumer Satisfaction Surveys 2009 Survey ACS: First Response THE WASHINGTON INSTITUTE FOR MENTAL HEALTH RESEARCH & TRAINING

THE WASHINGTON INSTITUTE FOR MENTAL HEALTH RESEARCH & TRAINING Services: “I appreciated the fact that, after my intake interview, I was placed with a counselor *immediately* who seemed very much in touch or able to address my specific problems. That was fast and accurate work.” Professional Staff: “Current counselor has been the most helpful in the short amount of time, calls and checks on me to make sure that I’m ok. Open to phone calls when I can’t come in.” Open-ended Responses: LikeMost Consumer Satisfaction Surveys 2009 Survey

What two things do you like the least about the services you received? Consumer Satisfaction Surveys 2009 Survey YFS: Family First Response THE WASHINGTON INSTITUTE FOR MENTAL HEALTH RESEARCH & TRAINING

THE WASHINGTON INSTITUTE FOR MENTAL HEALTH RESEARCH & TRAINING Access: “The appointment times are difficult due to being between 9-4. Must take vacation time from work to go to appointments and it took away from school time.” Services: “They seem to have a rigid program/mold where they give the same drugs for everything. It is not individualized…” Open-ended Responses: LikeLeast (Family) Consumer Satisfaction Surveys 2009 Survey


Trends in Mean ACS Satisfaction Scores Over Time Consumer Satisfaction Surveys THE WASHINGTON INSTITUTE FOR MENTAL HEALTH RESEARCH & TRAINING

THE WASHINGTON INSTITUTE FOR MENTAL HEALTH RESEARCH & TRAINING ACS Perceived Stigma by Year Percent Satisfied Average Score Consumer Satisfaction Surveys

ACS Functioning/Connectedness Scores Over Time Consumer Satisfaction Surveys THE WASHINGTON INSTITUTE FOR MENTAL HEALTH RESEARCH & TRAINING

Summary of Findings (ACS)  Service satisfaction trends remained consistent since  General satisfaction scores were relatively high with three quarters of consumers saying they are satisfied.  Across years, Perceived Outcomes has remained the lowest with more than one third of consumers being undecided or dissatisfied in this area.  Consumers continue to be most satisfied with the appropriateness and quality of services. Consumer Satisfaction Surveys 2009 Survey THE WASHINGTON INSTITUTE FOR MENTAL HEALTH RESEARCH & TRAINING