A Web Quest for 5 th -6 th Grade on Weather Designed by: Tim Drankus
Fifth grade students' Science curriculum includes a goal that states "the learner will build an understanding of weather and climate". This is a comprehensive webquest designed to be used over a period of days or teachers may choose to focus on only one area.
You will use the Internet to gather information about Snow, Rainfall, and Clouds. The information for each question must be taken from the links attached to this assignment on the process pages. You will be given two days to complete the question portion of this assignment. Once done with that portion of the assignment you will observe the weather for the first two weeks of April and record the data you collected in a journal. For extra credit make a costume that represents any one of the three weather related processes. Along with this please include a short explanation you can present about your costume ( Be Creative). Information for this portion you may find on your own from any type of source. (Remember this portion of the assignment is extra credit and is not required. Therefore it will not effect your grade if you choose not to take part in this portion)
Click on Answer the following questions about Snow. 1. On average how many snow producing storms affect the continental United States? 2. What state is home to the snowiest cities in the US according to National Climatic Data Center records? 3. What is the average snowfall for Milwaukee Wisconsin in the month of April according to the National Climatic Data Center Web page, Snowfall - average total in inches.Snowfall - average total in inches
Click On Answer the following questions about rainfall. 1. In the United States, an average of some ____ percent of the annual precipitation returns to the atmosphere by ___________ from land and water surfaces and by transpiration from vegetation. The remaining ____ percent eventually reaches a stream, lake, or ocean, partly by overland runoff during and immediately after rain, and partly by a much slower route through the natural ground-water reservoir. 2. Navigate the above web page to find the water table information and fill out the following Water Table Diagram. ( Print out diagram on next page)
Click on Answer the following questions about Clouds. 1. What are Stratus Clouds? 2. What are two types of “Alto” Clouds? 3. What are three types of Cirrus Clouds? 4. What are two types of Cumulus Clouds? 5. Make a diagram of each of these clouds. You may draw them, cut out pictures from a magazine, of print a picture of them from the internet.
6. During the first two weeks of April keep a record of how the weather was each day. (For Example: Was it sunny? Was it cloudy? If so what type of clouds were there? Did it rain? If so how much? Did it snow? If so how much?)
Students will be graded on the answers they provide for each question they have answered in the process section of this assignment. Also they will be graded on the worksheet they had to fill out. Extra credit will be given to each student that participates and comes up with a weather relevant costume and short presentation.
Upon completion of this WebQuest, students will gain more knowledge about Snow, Rainfall, and Clouds. They will also gain experience using the internet as a source.