D/A conversion Semiconductors


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Presentation transcript:

D/A conversion Semiconductors The density of carriers in a semiconductor For silicon at room temperature: Drift current density: j = Qv, Q - charge density, v - velocity of charge in an electric field jTdrift = jn + jp = q(n n + p p)E = E,  = q(n n + p p) (cm)-1 ,  = 1/ (cm) Charge neutrality q(ND + p - NA - n) = 0; in thermal equilibrium: pn = ni2 For n-type: . If (ND - NA) >> 2ni, n  (ND - NA) Similarly for p-type. Diffusion current , VT = kT/q, is approximately 25 mV,

Total current or

pn-junction and Diodes For reverse bias: - diode equation. where IS = reverse saturation current (A) vD = voltage applied to diode (V) q = electronic charge (1.60 x 10-19 C) k = Boltzmann’s constant (1.38 x 10-23 J/K) T = absolute temperature n = nonideality factor (dimensionless) VT = kT/q = thermal voltage (V) (25 mV at room temp.) IS is typically between 10-18 and 10-9 A, and is strongly temperature dependent due to its dependence on ni2. The nonideality factor is typically close to 1

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