Faculty of Physical & Applied Sciences Postgraduates Library Information Resources 2011/12
Click on the Research Tab
Research E-prints soton Data management E-theses Bibliometrics Getting ISBNs and ISSNs
E-theses Issues relevant from the start of your PhD – Inclusion of third-party copyrighted material (diagrams, tables, code etc) – Structuring your files to convert to elegant pdf e-theses website – skills.soton.ac.uk/ethesis skills.soton.ac.uk/ethesis
Focus on High quality information sources Techniques for searching Evaluation of sources and information Exporting citations and referencing Keeping up to date
Overview Web resources Database searching Finding full text U of S library service
Internet Searching There are some good search engines Google Scholar and many high quality websites and gateways Intute but many websites have no quality controls and need careful evaluation so one of the best internet resources for you is…
Direct URL Or via SUSSED Library Website
1 st break Get together in pairs for 10 minutes and use the library website to answer the questions given on the handout
Research information needs to be.. High quality – peer reviewed Up to date Relevant Comprehensive
Publishers websites Learned Societies E-print servers Databases and Indexes Can be obtained from…
Databases and Indexes up to date information from peer reviewed publications well indexed enabling detailed searching contain abstracts of the articles retrieved may to link to full text where available coverage can include conferences, reports, books, theses
but they don’t cover everything. So…
… remember other sources Books Theses e.g. Index to Theses Patents e.g. Espacenet Standards e.g. BSI Technical data
Access Institutional Login – iSolutions username/password VPN – check iSolutions site for details
2 nd Break Get together in pairs for 10 minutes and answer the questions on the handout
Specialist databases and indexes
Searching techniques (1) Search statements retrieve exact matches Use Boolean operators (and,or,not) to combine search terms
Boolean Logic a AND b a OR b a NOT b aaa bbb Can be used to join different search terms
Searching techniques (2) Use truncation, stemming and wild cards (symbols vary between databases) Phrase searching Think carefully about what terms to use and how to enter them
Truncation Finds words with a common stem (normally * symbol, $ in WebCat / Medline) Aero* will find: Aeroplane Aeroplanes Aerospace
Wildcards Replace a single character (normally ? symbol) Wom?n will find both woman and women Engine? will find both engine and engines but not engineering Colo?r will find both colour and color
Phrase Searching Some databases search for a phrase if Boolean operators are not present Others require phrases to be enclosed in quotation marks “ ” Note that truncation and stemming do not always work with phrase searching
Examples of combining search terms and using truncations
Recording your results Mark relevant references in your search results Then: results to yourself export to reference software save to a file
Finding the documents Direct links from databases TDNet – electronic (and print) journal holdings – links from Library web page and from most databases WebCat – print and electronic holdings of books, journals, conferences reports and theses
Exceptions Items not individually catalogued – Patents/ BSI/IEC standards – IET/IEEE conferences and standards (IEEEXplore) Items not in UoS Libraries – Inter Library Loan (ILL) – Free material e.g. NASA Technical Reports
Web of Knowledge hosts a number of databases: Web of Science Medline INSPEC Journal Citation Reports
Use ‘Select a database’ tab for full details of the databases available on the Web of Knowledge Platform
Web of Science Good for citation searching Has a useful citation linking feature
Click here to see all citing articles Web of Science has a useful citation linking feature
These articles all cite the ‘parent’ article
TD-Net link
Following the full text link through TDNet
If you get this message, it is still worth checking WebCat and TDNet as links don’t always work
How to access Web of Science From the library home page at: ECS/ORC subject pages Resources page Using Institutional login or VPN when off campus
3rd break (20 minutes) Together in pairs (or separately) Practice search techniques and cited reference searching, using your own topics or the examples on the sheet Explore full text links
Advanced searching techniques Citation searching Controlled vocabulary (thesaurus) Limiting Saving searches Current awareness/alerts
Controlled (Thesaurus) terms Terms added to a record taken from a fixed list (thesaurus) Searching these makes results more relevant by – avoiding concepts mentioned in passing – retrieving material containing alternative terms
Live thesaurus demo – Inspec
Search Compendex Click on the drop down boxes to access search options
and other features
Saved Searches Search history Saving searches Alerts
48 Select ‘Search History’ to save a search or create an ‘alert’
To save searches and create alerts set up an account
4 th Break Separately or in pairs – 15 mins Search a database with a controlled vocabulary/thesaurus Alerts – save a search as an ALERT Try links to full text
Sources of further help Academic Liaison Librarians Library webpages Subject enquiry desk Deskside coaching
Other courses- book through GradBook E-theses Endnote/Reference Manager Keeping up to date Open access Copyright Bibliometrics Data management (coming in semester 2)
Our blog Science Engineering and the soton
Fiona Nichols