Table of Contents 1. Titles 2. Table of contents 3. Question 4. Hypothesis 5. Material 6. Procedures 7. Results 8. Graph 9. Question 10. bibliography
Question How does the temperature affect the bounce height of a ball ?
hypothesis I predict that the ball in room temperature will bounce the highest because it will be much lighter than the two in the refrigerator and the freezer. The two in the refrigerator and freezer will be to heavy to bounce as high as the room temperatures bounce height.
Materials 12 bouncy balls Freezer refrigerator Thermometer Ruler
procedures Gather the materials Set up the ruler Put the balls in the appropriate places : refrigerator,freezer,room Wait an hour to let the bouncy balls get used to their temperatures Take the bouncy balls out and start dropping them one at a time Do the same for the rest Record data
Results Trial 1Trial 2Trial 3Trial 4Average Room78 cm82 cm76 cm71 cm76 cm refrigerat or 68 cm64 cm73 cm61 cm66 cm freezer67 cm68 cm72 cm70 cm69 cm
conclusion The bouncy ball at room temperature bounced the highest. Then the bouncy ball in the refrigerator bounced a little lower then the room temperature one.but of course the one in the freezer bounced pretty low. So the bouncy ball in the room temperature bounced higher then both the refrigerator and freezer bouncy balls.
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