1 Hector DUQUE, Creatis/LIRIS Johan MONTAGNAT, Creatis Jean-Marc PIERSON, LIRIS Lionel BRUNIE, LIRIS Isabelle E. MAGNIN, Creatis DM 2 : A Distributed Medical Data Manager for Grids. CREATIS, CNRS UMR 5515 (Centre de Recherche et d'Application en Traitement de l'Image et du Signal, Lyon, France) LIRIS (LISI), CNRS/INSA FRE 2672 (Laboratoire d'InfoRmatique en Image et Syst ₩ mes d'information, Lyon, France)
2 Goals To supply a Distributed System for the medical community able to deal with medical images and sensitive medical metadata To provide hybrid content based queries and metadata queries over large databases of medical images (image processing) To transparently use GRIDS in order to get advantage of its computing power and its massive storage capacity To propose an arquitecture for developing this kind of systems (DSE: Distributed System Engines)
3 challenges content-based queries over images Image processing Interfacing Grids and Image Archiving Systems distributed queries massive storage high performance computing
4 " Very large databases of images with a very long term storage " Data distributed over acquisition sites " Sensitive medical data (strong security constraints) " Read-only access to raw scanner data (replicas needed) " Keep track of data processing " Different kinds of users (patients, physicians and researchers) medical data constraints
5 applications " Hybrid queries to images's databases of Mammography and IRM cardiological sequences - metadata - parametric analysis (indexing) - content processing " Similarity queries Source image (e.g. thorax, MRI) Target images (thorax, MRI) Most similarLess similar Similarity measures
6 DSE hospital a distributed system = set of engines GRID messages DSE: Distributed Systems Engines USER IRM
7 DSE0 DSE4 DSE3 DSE2 DSE1 0 message passing 0 distribution 0 Application 0 DM 2 0 transaction 0 user 2-middleware 3- applications semantic level 1-DSE Distributed Systems Engines (multilayer architecture) 1- definition of a multilayer architecture 2- implementation of the middleware level 3- implementation of the application level
8 (1) -Architecture (DSE1) Tool Drivers (TOD) Request Drivers (RQD) server machine client machine Task Drivers (TKD) DSE1 = a set of drivers Transaction Drivers (TRD) a transaction is a set of tasks a task is a set of requests a request is a set of messages message passing kernel (MPK)
9 network IPC client machines server machines messages TRD RQD TKD TOD (2) - middelware
database_tkd cache_tod dicom_tkd grid_tkd DM2_qud < 7005 random source (normal/poisson distribution) MYSQL_rqd >8080 DICOM_rqd SE_rqd>7007 virtual_rqd > N img * 10 slices 4 images_tod security_tod hosp t0 N images N*10 files tn query 1 image sequence == 10 dicom files
hours (3000 x 3 sec / 3600 sec x 3 sec / 3600 sec))
hDSEM0 vs PVM (not remote) 500, 1000, messages Kbytes
METADATA TKD Grid TKD DM2 TRD DM2 image = {DICOM file} METADATA Grid DM2 CLIENT (DM2 API) heart mammo Security TOD (3) Application (usecase): A physician queries DM 2 to find all images similar to an image of interest 1 request similar images to an imageID 2 METADATA RQD DM2 RQD Grid RQD Cache TOD Images TOD
in summary " The DM 2 architecture is designed for high performance and extensibility. " The proposed architecture (DSE) is appropriate for developing distributed medical systems. " The concept of multilayered architecture has allow us to deal with the design and development of a complex system as a distributed medical application is. " Computing GRIDS are very useful for medical image storage and analysis (distributed data, high processing power). " The DM 2 system allows the physicians to get secure access to their data and to issue hybrid requests over huge databases.
papers: - [Jun submitted] H. DUQUE, J. MONTAGNAT, J.M. PIERSON, L. SEITZ, L. BRUNIE, I.E. MAGNIN, An Architecture for Large Scale and High Performance Medical Imaging Applications, Parallel Processing Letters, special issue on grid computing for bioinformatics applications, [January 2003] J. MONTAGNAT, H. DUQUE, J.M. PIERSON, V. BRETON, L. BRUNIE, I.E. MAGNIN, DM2: Medical Image Content-Based Queries using the Grid, Healthgrid 2003, January 15th-16th, Lyon, France - [January 2003] H. DUQUE, J. MONTAGNAT, J.M. PIERSON, L. BRUNIE, I.E. MAGNIN, DM2: A Distributed Medical Data Manager for Grids, Biogrid 2003, may 12th-15th, Tokyo, Japan
This work is partly supported by: / the IST European DataGrid project / the French ministry for research ACI-GRID project www-sop.inria.fr/aci/grid/public / ECOS-Nord Committee (action C03S02)