Barents cooperation in minerals and metals. Luleå University of Technology September 14 th 2011 Per-Erik Lindvall, Senior Vice President LKAB
ARCTIC CIRCLELuleå Malmberget Svappavaara Kiruna Narvik The Swedish Mining Industry for the next decade- a window of opportunity! - A fantastic possibility to grow the business and the region! - twice as big by 2020
Our operations are state-of-the art High-tech mining operationsClean technology for pelletising plants Environmentally friendly railway transports World’s only experimental blast furnace
Europe’s biggest iron ore project more than 300 million tonnes Mertainen Open pit Test mining Full production 2015 ( 5 mtpa) Gruvberget Open pit In production (2 mtpa) Leveäniemi Open pit ( closed since 1985) Full production 2015 ( 5mtpa
The Barents region – an area of great geological potential and an important source of functional mineral products to the European industry and citizens
Knowledge triangle for decoupled growth
Customer requirements Technical parameters Production parametres Product Properties Translate Manufacturing Control Surpass RDI Understand
Basic ideas Technological leadership is necessary to stay competitive and for meeting current and future requirements. Leadership is maintained by close co-operation between operators, suppliers and academia toward a common objective. Concentrate our research to Luleå University of Technology and create flexible research centres
Strategic activities (examples) Company (LKAB): – Operation of the Experimental Blast Furnace – Participation in ULCOS – € 10 million donated to Luleå University of Technology in 2004 for strenghtening the research and competence in vital areas. – € 5 million donated to Luleå University of Technology in 2008 to finance five professors in strategic areas – € 5 million donated to Luleå University of Technology in 2010
Sustainable mining in the Barents Region - laying the foundation for growth and development