Analyzing Patient Interactions within Cancer Support Groups Together with: Marc Rasi, Suchi Saria, Daphne Koller Katy Plant, Philip Ritter and Kate Lorig Zhenghao Chen, Pang Wei Koh
Cancer Leading cause of death in the developed world Treatment: Chemotherapy Surgery Radiotherapy Threat of recurrence Management of cancer survivors is important very debilitating!
Traditional Peer Support Groups
Online Peer Support Groups
Some Questions 1.Do online support groups work? 2.Can we discover better clinical practices? 3.Can we predict health outcomes more accurately?
Sentiment Trends
Sentiment-Topic Association cancer treatment years year breast chemo back recurrence months treatments pain diagnosis diagnosed oncologist ll finished dx told doctor side therapy scan don blood scars lymphedema radiation onc scar eects arm surgeon results physical reconstruction follow doctor pain love kids year mom cat joy dogs years cats husband son home watching funny place sound house christmas watch
Sentiment-Topic Association sleep bed night work hours sleeping nights stressed trouble earlier early late schedule tired morning ready music problems times plan action week peggy great days tools plans specific make session exercise walking confidence level completing time good complete
Outcome Prediction
Conclusion Data from online groups is plentiful and untapped It seems to work even with a small dataset Scaling up might help us improve clinical outcomes for cancer patients