Part 1: Introducing User Interface Design Chapter 1: Introduction –Why the User Interface Matters –Computers are Ubiquitous –The Importance of Good User Interface Design –Designing for Users –The Two Types of Knowledge Needed for UI Design –Evaluation
Designing for Users
What is interaction design about? 4 basic activities 1.Identify needs and establish requirements 2.Develop alternative designs 3.Build iterative versions of the design 4.Evaluate designs 3 key characteristics 1.Focus on users early 2.Identify, document, and agree to specific usability and user experience goals 3.Iterate … you never get it right the first time
Some practical issues Who are the users? What do we mean by needs? How do you generate alternative designs? How do you choose among alternative designs?
Traditional ‘waterfall’ lifecycle Requirements analysis Design Code and Unit Test Integration and System Testing Operation and Maintenance
A simple interaction design model Prototyping User testing And evaluation Design