travel ND Getting you set-up in
The Controller’s Office has adopted travelND to assist you with your travel arrangements and the submitting of your expense reports. As far as expense reports go - shortly it will be mandatory to use this system and the Controller’s Office will no longer accept our current way of paper submissions – so instead of bucking the system let’s get “r” done. You will still bring Patti your original receipts and she will enter this information into the travelND system instead of the paper report currently being used. In this PowerPoint we only touch the tip of what is available to you within travelND. How to set up your profile, giving Patti access to preparing your expense reports and giving Patti access to sending them to the Controller’s Office. Between the preparation and the sending to the Controller’s Office you will have an opportunity to view your report and approve it just as you currently do by stopping by Patti’s office and signing your reports. Here we go… Are you ready…
Log in using your insideND username and password…
Under your Administration Tools you will find travelND… Click on travelND…
This page will come up and you can either obtain an instruction sheet for your profile setup or continue with this slideshow… Click on Profile…
Click on Personal Information…
Takes you to this page where you will need to enter any required fields…scroll down within the site and you will find more required fields… Once you have the required fields entered click on any of the Save buttons…
If you wish for Patti to prepare your expense reports then you will need to give her permission to do so. Under the Expense Delegates button you will find the below screen. You can have more than one delegate so for the faculty members who will be asking Lisa to prepare their reports – you will want to make Lisa a delegate also. If you wish to do your own reports then you can skip this portion of the PowerPoint. Click on the Add Delegate button…
A search entry will show up and you can then put in Patti’s name (Patti Strauch), address or login id (pstrauch) and/or you will want to enter Lisa’s information (Lisa Tranberg, tranberg.1 or lprice2) and click on
Since Patti prepared this PowerPoint and under her own profile she could not enter her own name – she entered Matt’s info as an example. Once we enter his name we then want to click on the Add Delegate button and then his information will come up. We can then choose what items we would like to delegate him to perform…after your choices have been made you can then click on the Save button… If you would like to delete a delegate at any time you can check mark their name and click the Delete button…
The final thing that you need to do in order to get set-up with the preparation and submission of your expense reports is to choose a default Expense Approver… Matt has requested that Patti be the approver for all expense reports. Once again Patti can not enter her own name so we used Matt’s information… Click on Expense Approvers…enter name (Patti Strauch), address or login id (pstrauch) and click on
There are many many other great advantages with using travelND, book your flights, hotel, car rental, etc. If you would like further instruction there are training sessions going on or you can contact the Travel Help Desk at or If you would like to enter your own expense reports - instructions are available on the travelND site or Patti would be more than happy to assist.