Climate Week Carbon Club Andrew Cassy


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Presentation transcript:

Climate Week Carbon Club Andrew Cassy

Agenda Climate week Park Carbon Club Adastral Park Energy Challenge

Climate Week Monday – How will Suffolk be affected? Tuesday – World Water Day Wednesday – Energy day Thursday – International day Friday – Travel Smart

Your Climate TUE 5 APRIL, 12:30 – 13:30, Alan Rudge Lecture Theatre Jonathan Thompson from the Ipswich Environment Agency will give a talk on how Suffolk will be affected by climate change, including sea level changes, rainfall, temperature extremes, coastal erosion, etc.

Energy Day Wed 23 rd March Adastral Park Energy Update :30, Hubble 2

International Day Thursday 24 th March

Travel Wise Day Friday 25 th March – Walk a few extra steps for the Work Fit campaign – Bike now the warmer weather is here – Bus using the discounted ticket options – Share and save 50% or more on your fuel – Think could you work flexibly and avoid travel?

Carbon Club 1.Recent activities – CradleToCradle2, case study, thermal camera 2.Future events (Alan Rudge lecture theatre) – APRIL 5 th Env Agency & 20 th Biochar MAY 18 th London 2012 Carbon footprint 3.Lightbulb library – to be loaned out 4.Environment books - suggestions 5.Prize money – donation for thermal camera 6.AoB – logo

Adastral Park Energy Update 1.Sprint 4 – Achievements & lessons learnt 2.Sprint 5 – Priorities, progress, plans 3.What next? – Strategy & Step Change Progress

The Energy Saving Campaign Did you know? BT uses 0.7% of all electricity in the UK We aim to reduce the carbon intensity of our global operations by 80% on 1997 levels by 2020 Sprint 4 We’re aiming to cut our energy consumption in the 25 sprint buildings by 10% (October – December) If we succeed, we’ll save £420,000 and over 2,874 tonnes of CO2.

Thanks for helping Energy Champions play an invaluable role in driving home the energy saving message We know you’re busy, so please, do as little or as much as you can – it all helps! Your local contact will send you some post-its and stickers and do look out for the notice boards in Sprint buildings Use the brainstorm call/meeting to decide what you’d like to do next Remember to enter yourself into the 2012 Challenge by filling out the form online – you could win tickets to the Olympics!enter

Campaign Material

Achievements Overall 5.4% saving – Adastral + BW 5.6% CCHP Eurest restaurant

Sprint 5 Continued support from Group 8 key priorities Thermal camera loan 1.Mothball 5 buildings 2.Sub-meter improvements 3.Lighting business case 4.Orphan/zombie servers 5.Office thermometers 6.Webtop 7 & 24x7 PCs 7.Online energy display 8.Monthly energy charts

Thermal Camera Images

What next? Coordinated site energy strategy – Group wide engagement Further employee engagement (Care) Step change power reduction targets

Climate Week Carbon Club Andrew Cassy