Microbiology By Alison Yamelst Bridgette Bystrom
YouTube Video Nutritional Requirements of Bacteria Nutritional Requirements of Bacteria
How Bacteria Eat Bacteria do not have a mouth. They make proteins called enzymes inside the cell and these travel thru the cell wall into the surrounding medium. Active transport is the progress by which the cell grabs a molecule of glucose or other food and pulls it in thru the cell wall. Some bacteria have many kinds of enzymes and can eat many kinds of foods. Other bacteria have few enzymes and are able to digest very few kinds of food.
What Bacteria Eat Bacterium are able to eat anything from sugar, to corn proteins, to soybean oil, to iron nails, to sulphur, to the compounds in wood. Like all living things bacteria require mineral salts such magnesium, calcium, iron and others Other bacteria can digest proteins down to amino acids and digest complex carbohydrates such as starches.
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