SAS Output Delivery System
Find heart in the sashelp library Double click
You set the default output to include HTML pages.
Erase the title and footnote.
Control Say you want only the contingency table and the chi-square statistic… Play with the code.
Not needed Fix the file name. Remove the extra stuff
Notice the output is generating two tables. I want to know the names so I can cut down the second table to only include the first Chi-Square. crosstabfreqs chisq
Request the names of the output tables in the log Turn it off.
ODS voodoo For procedures that generate a lot of output- tables you can tell it which to select or exclude. You can tell SAS to save the output of a table into a dataset (usually in the work library).
Same info in work and the report
Print Chi-square Notice the filter
Remember the ;
This works but has an extra table
Don’t display the statistics You can turn off all the output and still have it write the table of statistics into the work library. The ODS destination name
Calculate the chi-square Print the table without doing the statistics. Solution
Cleaning Up Macros (and other SAS programs) often use temporary datasets. It is good form to delete them. This code silently deletes the theChi table from the work library:
The Macro