P ROGRAM AND P ORTFOLIO F OCUS University of West Georgia Leah Doughman
O VERALL F OCUS : Incorporate and use technology in the everyday classroom to promote and enhance learning for students and educators
G OALS : Improve student achievement Increase engagement Improve and increase the integration of technology into the curriculum Promote critical thinking skills and application Help others with technology integration My Technology Philosophy Video
P ERSONAL I NTEREST : Photography in creative ways Digital Storytelling Videos for educators andeducators my school Help educators understand and use new technology available to them Blogging as a communication tool for students, parents, and teachers as well as a grade level research tool My 2 nd Grade Blog
R EFLECTIONS : Continuous Learning Keeping Up To Date with Current Research and Technology Work on Ways to Limit Technology Frustrations
R EFLECTIONS : Continue Working on Ways to Integrate and Incorporate Technology into Education Arena Find Ways to Use Existing Technology