What are New Literacies? -Primitive symbol systems -Complex oral language -Early writing -Manuscript -Print literacy -Video Literacy -Digital/multimedia/hypertext literacy -Virtual reality
Examples of New Literacies Teachers ~ Online, web-editing software Students ~ Threaded discussion groups
iClicker The iclicker is an audience response system that is being used in classrooms around the globe. It's not only an easy way to take attendance efficiently with a large group of people, but also is a convenient and environmentally friendly way to take multiple choice tests or in-class quizzes. Results can also be displayed directly after the answers are sent in, making it easy to know how you did in comparison to the rest of the class. It allows interactions between teachers and students, keeps the class alert, and encourages participation.
Pros/Cons Pros: Better incentive for attendance in classes Environmentally friendly Easy to use Cons: Possibility of software faults Affordability among college students Makes cheating feasible
Where to Buy Company's webiste - Online merchants - School bookstore
Credits Presentation By: Alexa Ankenma Julia Harris Andrew Karlowski Joshua Berman