Hydrokinetic Turbine Featuring Variable Flux Generation October 1, 2009 Sean Curran Vanessa Kohler Erik Minnis Michael Perry C. Taylor Peterson Alex Quintal
Introduction Direct drive power generation at low flow velocities Magnets engage with coils Axial displacement is relative to drag on the rotors
Objectives Design and construct a hydrokinetic turbine to utilize low velocity tidal currents for power generation. VFG Wind Turbine: 4.7m diameter
Approach Water is 830 times denser than air – Turbine blades will encounter higher forces Model tested in tow tank Demonstration model turbine to be deployed under General Sullivan Bridge
Major Tasks Stator Development – Includes coils specified to generate a certain amount of electricity at certain frequency Rotor Design – Formed by turbine blade assembly – Turns magnetic ring assembly in generator Blade Selection – Shape, angle of attack & material
Major Tasks (cont.) Water Proofing and Corrosion Resistance – Salt water application – Component isolation from water Generator Actuation – Magnetic rotor – Fixed coils – Magnetic rotor can move axially Deployment Structure – Based from barge – Based from pier – Based from platform in Tow Tank
Timeline PLAN OF ATTACK SeptemberProposal, Conceptual design analysis OctoberCreate parts in CAD NovemberAnalyze CAD parts using FEA December Analyze CAD parts using FEA, and consider parts procurement /manufacturing Break BeginsOrder Parts, rough draft of final report Break EndsPrototype partially assembled February Prototype fully assembled- testing in Tow Tank MarchTesting in tow tank and in salt water AprilReview Progress- finish report May Present Report, poster, and final product