North East NHS Response to national imperatives Chris Willis Regional Director – Transition 7 September 2011
2 Purpose of presentation To describe: An overview of our current position How we are maintaining delivery and continuous improvement How we are supporting staff How we are supporting the implementation of the health reforms Grip and momentum!
3 North east NHS is in a relatively good position 100% of hospitals are FT Track record of good performance Track record of satisfaction All organisations in financial balance 30 % management cost reduction delivered Rapidly improving outcomes Historical levels of poor population health PCTs working as clusters since 2006
4 But still facing significant challenges Over reliance on hospitals £859 m QIPP challenge Poor health of the public Needing to change activity patterns
5 Maintaining delivery and continuous improvement Realistic and stretching 2011/12 contracts agreed by 1 April Community services transferred to providers Strong performance management in place Constantly seeking to ensure that essential capacity and expertise are in place and that morale is maintained Cluster ISOP meetings with PCTs, FTs, CCGs, LAs show strong local alignment, balancing delivery and transition Transformation fund to drive real change in FTs A focus on the QIPP agenda …….
6 QIPP challenge - £859m Good progress in 2010/11 with management cost savings Strong Integrated strategic and operational plans developed with GP commissioners, Local Authorities and FTs Investing more than other SHAs on health improvement Majority of savings secured in contracts via tariff Focus now on delivery of allocative savings North East Transformation System is helpful to all of this 0
7 Putting patients and the public first Promoting choice and competition Relative market contestability and choice index (HHI) Higher than average Average Lower than average
8 Improving health and healthcare outcomes Preventing premature death LTC - GPs good at managing their ‘at risk’ population Recovery – Primary PCI and comprehensive stroke services in place Experience – Top results in patient satisfaction surveys Safe care – Safer Care North East
9 An agreed clinical vision to tackle poor outcomes Facilitated ASE events for clinicians Issues tackled included: variations in delivery long term conditions alcohol deaths in hospital Created a strong clinical consensus and innovative solutions to problems Now in the process of implementing
10 Commissioning for patients Effective collaboration by GP leaders Contracting, performance management and data Governance and scheme of delegation Patient involvement and engagement Coordinating decisions on individual cases Programme to identify and meet support needs Jan 2011Feb 2011Jul 2011Apr 2011 = 9 36% = 11 57% = % = 15 72%
11 Transitional commissioning arrangements Pathfinder Committee Pathfinder Committee Pathfinder Committee Pathfinder Committee Shared Support Integrated Board (including a single cluster chair and executive)
12 Local democratic legitimacy Excellent relationships with local authorities All local authorities are early implementer sites for H&WB H&WB development being supported by a team led by a local authority chief executive Innovative health and social care system diagnostics 3 Healthwatch pathfinders (Northumberland, Gateshead & Hartlepool)
13 Developing healthcare providers Transforming community services Education and training – single provider skills network NEAS to complete FT application Strong public accountability – 180,000+ members Big reconfigurations being progressed Transforming Newcastle Hospitals Northumbria Emergency Care Hospital Durham Seizing the Future North of Tees Momentum
14 Supporting staff Staff satisfaction is still good Strong regional social partnership forum TCS – listened to staff Management cost reduction exercise behind us; supported voluntary redundancies, limited compulsory redundancies and fair process HR transition group to manage risks and ensure consistency Suite of support packages for staff Regular events with all SHA/PCT chief execs and directors North East Leadership Academy (hosted by CD&D FT)
15 Managing the transition A two year programme, coordinating the implementation of new commissioning arrangement in the north east
16 Goals… establish a single transition plan for the north east covering the following functions: How we maintain and improve the quality of health outcomes Development of the workforce Provider development Public health services Commissioning arrangements Support for local authorities to establish health and wellbeing boards
17 Managing the transition Transition programme director Chris Willis Corporate and HR transition workstream Development of health and wellbeing boards workstream Commissioning development workstream Public health services workstream Provider development workstream Outcomes and quality workstream Workforce development workstream Transition programme board Chair David Stout Neil Nicholson Karen Straughair Ian Parker Wendy Balmain Richard Barker Yasmin Chaudhry Peter Kelly Chris Willis Aidan Mullan Stephen Childs Stephen Singleton Ken Bremner Aidan Mullan Martin Barkley Local authority representatives PCT cluster chief executives GP consortia leads Workstream leads Staff side representation HealthWatch
18 Managing the transition together... A clear leadership role for local authorities and GP consortia A partnership of equals – recognising the interdependence of services Jointly using the learning from previous large scale change Listening to stakeholders and enabling proactive engagement Robust governance and programme management Sharing risks to ensure stability A commitment to full staff and staff side engagement in change management
19 In summary The north east NHS is in a good position, but with much more to do We are clear of our role in supporting the successful transition to the reformed NHS We are working closely with our partners to build a successful future for patients and the public and avoid unintended consequences And The aim is to ensure that when the SHA and PCTs come to an end that the arrangements in place, together with the momentum, will ensure that the transition continues to a satisfactory conclusion