Neuroscience Cognitive Neuroscience Dr. Matthew Tataand Dr. Robert Sutherland
-Techniques of Cognitive Neuroscience -Some functional anatomy -Vision -Attention and Executive Functions -Memory -Language and Music -Consciousness Foundations The Brain in Action The Plan
-Cognitive Neuroscience, Second or Third Edition by Gazzaniga, Ivry and Mangun Text
-> Class Web Sites -> Neuroscience -> NEUR 3680 click on “A” Course outline will be available here Lecture slides will be available here Website
Evaluation Class Participation10% Mid-Term 1 20%Date TBA in class Mid-Term 2 20%Date TBA in class Final 25% Date TBA Project 25%Due in last class Midterms will be in-class, location of final T.B.A.
Evaluation Project will be a written research proposal describing a research question, a theory that potentially answers this question and an experiment to test that theory…more details in the coming weeks
Grades Rounding will be by convention except when we decide otherwise!
Interaction Matt’s Office hours: immediately after class or –Rules: –1. No ing the night before a test –2. You must try to answer your question on your own first before ing me…trust me
Interaction TAs: Tine Gulbrandsen and Megan Metzler them to make an appointment
Cognition = “Representing”, interpreting, using and storing information by the mind Neuroscience = the study of the nervous system What is Cognitive Neuroscience?
Cognition = “Representing”, interpreting, using and storing information by the mind Neuroscience = the study of the nervous system Cognitive Neuroscience = the study of the neurobiology that underlies/creates/IS cognition What is Cognitive Neuroscience?
Cognition = “Representing”, interpreting, using and storing information by the mind Neuroscience = the study of the nervous system Cognitive Neuroscience = the study of the neurobiology that underlies (creates?) cognition What is Cognitive Neuroscience? So why isn’t all Neuroscience “Cognitive Neuroscience”?
Topics we will (try) to cover Methods of Cognitive Neuroscience Perception (Mainly Vision) Attention Memory Language and Music Consciousness