Why Meatless? Emily J. Bielecki
Did You Know? The meat industry is responsible for nearly 1/5 of the man-made greenhouse gasses (“Urged…” 2010)
Lets Talk About Energy 40 calories of fossil fuel energy = 1 calorie of beef 2.2 calories of fossil fuel energy = 1 calorie of plant-based protein
Energy Wasted Ratio of energy input to protein output: Lamb 57:1 Beef cattle 40:1 Eggs 39:1 Swine 14:1 Dairy (milk) 14:1 Turkeys 10:1 Broilers 4:1 (Pimentel 2003)
Lets Talk About Water 643 gallons of fresh water = 5.2 oz hamburger 143 gallons of fresh water = 5.2 oz tofu Irrigation is sucking up our H2O resources Animal waste contaminates fresh water (“Meatless” 2010) & (“Issues” 2009)
Lets Talk About The Planet Deforestation Topsoil erosion ENDLESS CYCLE! Endangered or near endangered long-lived fish
Lets Talk Health 2/3 of America is overweight anyway! Diets full of red meat cancer, heart disease, stroke, diabetes, arthritis, hypertension Diets that are filled with fruits, vegetables, and whole grains lead to a lower risk of heart disease, ADHD, asthma, and diabetes Antibiotics used in food animals Other health concerns
And Where Is The Logic? We are producing food to produce less food. Legumes are nitrogen fixing – animal feed crops are not
Societal Implications Meat consumption affects 3 rd world countries in a distinctive way Animals are part of the environment too UN reported: 1992 food supply could have fed 6.3 billion people on 100% vegetarian diet (Soares 2009)
What About Vegan? No animal products at all Traditional vs. Environmental
Sources “Why Meatless” The Monday Campaigns “About Vegan” Vegan Action “The Reasons To Adopt A Meatless Diet” Suite “Obama Urged…” Johns Hopkins School of Public Health “Five Steps To Sustainable Eating” Lime Christine Soares. “The Low Carbon Diet” carbon-diet carbon-diet “The Issues” Sustainable Table Kreith, M., Water Inputs in California Food Production. 1991, Water Education Foundation: Sacramento, CA. “A Healthy Way To Live” Vegan Outreach. July Pimentel, D. and M. Pimentel, Sustainability of meat-based and plant-based diets and the environment. American Joural of Clinical Nutrition, : p. 66S-3S.