Aolani “heavenly cloud” University of Hawaii Shantel Hunt, Nick Fisher, Dan Fong, James Ah Heong, Monica Umeda
Mission Overview: The mission is to test our COM board, which is based on the MHX-2420 transceiver. We plan to establish a real time link between the ballonsat and mobile ground station with which we will be monitoring satellite health conditions.
SHOT II / UN-6 Connection: -UN-6 mission is to provide orbital radar calibration support to the Air Force by collecting and disseminating ephemeris data in response to radar interrogation -UN-6 payload hardware is undergoing space environment testing provide by our customer -COM subsystem supports interrogation schedule uplinks and ephemeris data downlinks -SHOT II provides the COM subsystem with communication and operational testing in a near space environment
SHOT II Software Flow: Aolani dsPIC33fj128mc804 Microchip Technology Inc.
SHOT II Software Flow: Aolani GROUND STATION ??? Aolani RS Commands: 1.GPSD a)Downlink ephemeris data. 2.TEMP a)Downlink temperature data. 3.SCHD a)Uplink schedule set. >log rangecmp ontime 1 OK RANGECMP COM FINESTEERING c1018aaa0ff1ff11cf80ad6f1c8cbf3029a b9c3011b2b5ff5f231df80a9646dafef5029a a49c1018d0140ac0e903820ab1595c99401ca02ba ab9c301105db a252e4dbb821cb d1018e ddaed095dacaffa d b9d3011ba0e001047daed099ab72387c2088f1b d100866d4f7efa67ae50a376b06d b9d30012aa2f92ff57ae50af8e86388c Sample GPS Data Packet Howzit ? Just hanging…
SHOT II Design: Flight Interface External Power Switches Mass of kg
Expected Results: Establish a communication link Uplink commands Downlink data Ephemeris data Satellite state of health data Uplink schedule set Monitor ground station RSSI level
COM Board Video Camera Digital Camera Batteries 3.3V & 5V Converters 3.3V & 5V Converters Heater