Welcome Miami Northwestern Bulls! Florida International University State Farm Financial Literacy Lab 1
Objectives: Basic financial concepts Research Learn financial concepts How to use financial tools How to valuate a company What is credit 2
Tools Research ▫What are we using? ▫Morningstar ▫The Wall Street Journal ▫Bloomberg.com ▫Yahoo finance 3
Economics What is economics? ▫The study of choices ▫1. What? ▫2. How? ▫3. For whom? Types of systems ▫Cavemen? ▫Government system ▫Market system ▫Mixed 4
The Players Savers Companies HouseholdsGovernment Financial Intermediary Capital MarketsBanksHedge FundsMutual FundsPension Funds Borrowers Government Companies Households Government 5
Economics Consumers Luxuries vs. Necessities 6
Economics Macroeconomics GDP Imports and Exports Policies Risks Other countries 7
Economics Microeconomics ▫Markets? Households Firms ▫Supply and Demand What effects supply and demand? 8
Policies Monetary Policy ▫What is monetary policy? ▫Who controls monetary policy? ▫What does monetary policy effect? Fiscal Policy ▫What is it? ▫When are we going to hear about it? 9
Interest Rates What is an interest rates? When do we see them? 10
Inflation Rate What does this even mean? When do we see inflation? Good or bad? 11